Klöcher Weinstraße - Impression #1 | © Steiermark Tourismus

Klöcher Weinstraße

Bad Radkersburg

The Klöcher Wine Road begins in the spa town of Bad Radkersburg and goes north to Fehring. Try the Klöcher Traminer at the wine shop Klöch, enjoy the views into the vineyards from Castle Kapfenstein - experience this and much more on the Klöcher Wine Road.

Only about 6 km after Bad Radkersburg, the Klöcher Wine Road splits in the little town of Pölten. To the east, it goes straight on to Gruisla, past Hochwarth through Deutsch Haseldorf to Pichla. The western route leads to the market town of Klöch, known for its world-famous Traminer wines, past the wine shop and the Viticulture Museum of Klöch, over Klöchberg to Tieschen and Pichla, where the two roads meet again.


Tourismusverband Thermen- & Vulkanland
GF Christian Contola
Hauptstraße 2a
8280 Fürstenfeld

What the weather will be like

Bad Radkersburg (209m)

very sunny
15°C 31°C
17°C 32°C
18°C 32°C