Jupiii Salzgrotte Feldbach - Impression #1 | © JUPiii Salzgrotte

Jupiii Salzgrotte Feldbach


Healthy sea climate in the middle of Feldbach.

You can immerse yourself in sea air in Feldbach comfortably in everyday clothes in two "room worlds". In the inhalation room, you breathe the purest salt: halite salt. Take a seat in the spacious salt grotto, which also offers visual moments of relaxation with its built-in graduation house.

Stress sufferers can let themselves go here.

A unique room with salt walls made of Himalayan salt and a humid salty air provide a new opportunity to strengthen the immune system and promote health. Effective components of rock salt and sea salt have been combined so that the salt cave offers iodine-rich air of sea salt and the effect of microelements of million-year-old rock salt.

In the cave, there is a constant, balanced indoor climate throughout. In addition to pure relaxation, a stay in our salt cave can above all have a supportive effect on well-being. Regular treatments can prevent allergies and have a positive effect on the healing process of complaints such as acne, psoriasis or neurodermatitis.


Jupiii Salzgrotte Feldbach
Mag. Christine Danner-Leitgeb
Bindergasse 5
8330 Feldbach
Moile (0043) 0664 4649014

What the weather will be like

Feldbach (283m)

very sunny
14°C 31°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 32°C