Guest information Bad Waltersdorf - Impression #1 | © Thermen- und Vulkanland

Guest information Bad Waltersdorf

Bad Waltersdorf

In the tourist information Bad Waltersdorf no questions remain unanswered. The team will be happy to advise you and make your stay in the thermal and volcanic country unforgettable. Whether rainy weather, fair weather, winter or summer, the team will find the optimal excursion destination for you - insider tips included. In addition to bike maps and hiking maps, the Bad Waltersdorf voucher and the Thermenland vouchers are also available for purchase in the office.

The office is located directly on the main square next to the church. There are plenty of suitable parking spaces available.

Where is a public toilet? Where can you buy pumpkin seed oil? Where is the nearest supermarket? When is the next bus to Fürstenfeld? - All these questions we give you the right answers including insider tips.


Gäteinfo Bad Waltersdorf
Tourismusverband Thermen- & Vulkanland
Hauptplatz 90
8271 Bad Waltersdorf

What the weather will be like

Bad Waltersdorf (291m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 32°C
16°C 31°C