Grazer Tor - Impression #1 | © Privat

Grazer Tor


The Graz Gate bears witness to the former city wall.

Things were not always as peaceful in the area as they are today. The Graz Gate is a reminder of this. In order to protect the market town of Feldbach, a town wall was built in 1628 - at the time of the Turkish Wars. The Graz Gate was part of it and secured the exit road to Graz.

Later, the gate was integrated into a two-story baroque town house. In the meantime, the Rotary Club Feldbach has renovated the Grazer Tor, which is a listed building, in order to create a social center here. Today, the EKIZ, Haus der Generationen, Volkshilfe and the Styrian Family Association are housed here.

What the weather will be like

Feldbach (283m)

very sunny
14°C 31°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 32°C