Climate protection garden - Impression #1 | © Jugend am Werk Steiermark

Climate protection garden


Learning naturally, living sustainably

The climate protection garden in Gosdorf near Mureck is an 18,000 m² area dedicated to climate protection and sustainability. It is designed and maintained under expert guidance as part of the non-profit employment project of the same name run by Jugend am Werk Steiermark.

The garden serves as a living textbook in which visitors can experience practical examples of sustainable gardening, biodiversity and resource conservation.

The climate protection garden is divided into a variety of themed areas: Colourful perennial gardens, a rosarium, medicinal, aromatic and culinary herb gardens. There is also a shade garden, a plot garden, a clay wetland biotope, the Easter lily field, various growing beds, the grass garden and the rock garden. These areas offer unique insights. Products such as native young plants are offered for sale.

The climate protection garden is open around the clock and accessible to anyone interested.

It is both a place to relax and a centre for education and awareness-raising on climate protection.


Jugend am Werk
Misselsdorf 154
8480 Mureck

What the weather will be like

Mureck (237m)

very sunny
15°C 31°C
17°C 32°C
17°C 31°C