Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA - Impression #1 | © Michael Huber

Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA

Bad Waltersdorf

Love goes through the stomach - but especially health! India meets Styria - a sensual palate experience.

Love goes through the stomach - but especially health!

That is why we focus on regionality in the highest quality in our restaurant in Bad Waltersdorf. True to the guiding principle: "You are what you eat." Because, what makes us feel best - and often tastes best - is what our body knows from an early age - one of the basic principles of Ayurvedic nutrition. The best of two worlds What the interior promises is brought to the palate in perfection in the restaurant. Two worlds combine at the European Ayurveda Resort Mandira in Bad Waltersdorf, Styria, to create a delicious experience. Invigorating for the senses, restorative for mind and body. Lasting for your health and well-being.


Ayurveda-Resort MANDIRA
Christine Drexler
Wagerberg 120
8271 Bad Waltersdorf

What the weather will be like

Bad Waltersdorf (291m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
16°C 32°C
16°C 31°C