Dinner is served. At the Polz Winery there's Buschenschank again.
For the time being, until the end of the summer, in manageable dimensions and frequency - then, after completion of the extensive adaptation work of our "classic" Buschenschank location, yes, but then really... Until then, Zdenka & Milan first play our Kellerstöckl and part of the Ab-Hof-Markt.Zdenka & Milan are originally from Brno. She brings winemaking background to the Buschenschank, he plenty of bar experience, jazz, art, ... many beautiful things.Thursday, Friday and Saturday there are now delicacies from the immediate vicinity, from excellent producers, from the best markets, from people instead of corporations. The sourdough bread is home-baked, sours are pickled on site - and Buchteln, as baked decades ago by Grandma Polz, are celebrating their big comeback.All further developments regarding Buschenschank will be available here shortly.Until then: Welcome! Enjoy your meal! Cheers!
Closed on holidays!