Von der Brunnalm auf den Rauschkogel
From the Brunnalm (skiing area, Gasthof Scheikl) you walk on wide paths and finally on somewhat steeper, exposed climbs to one of the most beautiful vantage points between the Mürztal and the Mürzer Oberland Nature Park.
From the Brunnalm via the Schaller- and Rotsohlalm (open in summer, Mon and Tue day off) in the direction of Turnauer Alm. Shortly before at a crossroads turn left and on partly quite steep and exposed paths to the flat summit of the Rauschkogel (1,720m). Summit cross not at the highest point!
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Vom Mürztal über Veitsch zur Brunnalm
Brunnalm - Schalleralm - Schallerhansl - Rotsohlalm - just before the Turnauer Alm left uphill - Rauschkogel - return on the ascent path.
Ideally walk during the alpine season, because then the alpine pastures are managed.
No connection to the public transport network available.
Zahlreiche Parkplätze beim GH Scheikl - Brunnalm
Schalleralm Hütte | © TV Hochsteiermark | Herbert Podbressnik
Rotsohlalm Hütte | © TV Hochsteiermark | Herbert Podbressnik
What the weather will be like
St. Barbara im Mürztal (588m)
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