Tonnerhütte - Fuchskogel - Wildsee - St. Martiner Hütte
The panoramic tour leads from the Tonnerhütte (mills) to the St. Martiner Hütte.
Beautiful panoramic tour over the Seetaler Alm with views into the Görtschitztal and Aichfeld. A stop at the Zirbitzkogelschutzhaus is worthwhile to recharge its culinary reserves!
The tour in numbers
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Coming from Judenburg via Unzmarkt to Scheifling. Drive straight on until you reach Neumarkt. Turn left here and drive via Mühlen to the Tonnerhütte.
Coming from Tamsweg drive via Ranten (or Stadl an der Mur) to Murau. Turn right here and drive via Laßnitz, St. Lambrecht and Mariahof to Neumarkt. Turn left here and drive via Mühöen to the Tonnerhütte.
From the Tonnerhütte it goes to the Herderhöhe (1,800m), continue hiking to the Wanderertränke (2,000m) and to the Lavantseehöhe from there in an easterly direction to the Fuchskogel & Wildsee. From here it goes over the Rohrerhütte (.1854m) to the Stoanahütte (1.720m) - over the Judenburgerkreuz to the St. Martinerhütte (refreshment stop) from the St. Martinerhütte it goes with the hiking bus (please for advance booking under +43 (0) 3586 300 77) back to the Tonnerhütte.
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ÖBB| Verbundlinie Steiermark
Parking spaces are available at the Tonnerhütte (Attention: chargeable!)
Herter Höhe am Zirbitzkogel | © Tourismusverband Murau | Tom Lamm
Tonnerhütte | © Tourismusverband Region Murau | Tourismusverband Murau
St. Martiner Hütte | © Tourismusverband Murau | Tonnerhütte
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