Mountain Hike Hinterwildalpen - Eisenerz - Touren-Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Wildalpen Mountain Hike Hinterwildalpen - Eisenerz - Touren-Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Wildalpen

Hinterwildalpen - Eisenerz

Hinterwildalpen - Lichtenegg - Eisenerzer Höhe - Römerweg -  Arzerböden - Rohr Jagdhütte - Seeau - Eisenerz
Extensive mountain hike with no refreshment stops along the tour.

For centuries, this mule track was used to transport charcoal to iron ore and goods from iron ore to Wildalpen, and certainly also for smuggling. You can still see the furrows in the rock, which were cut to prevent carts from straying from the path; transport traces from times long past. A natural journey back in time.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
15,9 km
7:00 h
888 hm
1020 hm
1549 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Travelling to Wildalpen by car:

From Vienna: A1 Westautobahn exit Ybbs via Wieselburg, Scheibbs and Lunz/See to Göstling an der Ybbs continue in the direction of Palfau, at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.

From Vienna, Eisenstadt: Semmeringschnellstraße S6, near Mürzzuschlag onto the B23 Mariazeller Bundesstrasse and Mürzsteg and Wegscheid to Gusswerk and on the Hochschwab Bundesstrasse B24 to Wildalpen.

From Linz: A1 to Voralpenkreuz junction, A9 to Windischgarsten, Unterlaussa, Altenmarkt, Grossreifling, Palfau and Wildalpen

From Salzburg: A1 on A9 to exit Ardning/Admont, Gesäusebundesstrasse and B24 to Wildalpen

From Graz: A9 Pyhrnautobahn, exit, Traboch (near Leoben) via Präbichl/Eisenerz, Hieflau, Landl, Gams to Palfau at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.

We start in the centre of Hinterwildalpen. Follow the signs to the left until you reach the forest road to Lichtenegg. At the end of the forest road we follow the marked hiking trail uphill through the forest to the Eisenerzerhöhe. We cross the bridge to the Jungfernsprung and continue to the Marienkrutz on the Eisenerzer Höhe. This is the highest point of the tour. We now follow the traditional Roman path along the rocks into the Arzerböden to the Rohr hunting lodge. From now on, keep left along the forest road until you reach Seeau. We now keep to the left in the direction of the "blue Lord" until we come out directly in Eisenerz!

Stop for refreshments and overnight stay: Gasthaus Zum Krug in Hinterwildalpen

Walking time Hinterwildalpen - Eisenerzer Höhe approx. 2.5 hours

Walking time: Eisenerzer Höhe- Eisenerz approx. 3 hours

For the crossing Hinterwildalpen to Eisenerz you have to calculate about 6 walking hours. A tour for enduring and fit mountain hikers.

Historically very interesting tour, note the signs and the photos!
Am besten gestaltet sich die öffentliche Anreise bei vorheriger Verbindungssuche unter: oder                                                                                             Taxi und Mietwagenfahrten: Reinhold Missethon: Mobil 0043 (0) 650 3101020 oder Mobil 0043 (0) 664 4520690  /   TAXI Johanna Werner, Tel. 0043 (0)3636 / 321 oder 0043 (0)664 / 648 55 37

Die Anreise aus Wildalpen:

Man fährt 6 km bis nach Hinterwildalpen und parkt das Auto beim Gasthaus Zum Krug in Hinterwildalpen. Danach fährt man mit dem Xeismobil Ruftaxi nach Eisenerz bis zum Leopoldsteiner See (Anmeldung im Voraus).

Infobüro/Salza Wildalpen

Wildalpen 91 – 8924 Wildalpen Tel. 03636/241

Mo und Fr. 9:00-17:00

18 Alpenvereinskarte Hochschwabgruppe

Wanderkarte im Infobüro Salza in Wildalpen erhältlich


What the weather will be like

Wildalpen (611m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
15°C 31°C
slightly cloudy
15°C 29°C

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