Familie Bärnthaler vlg. Tiroler - Impression #1 | © Bärnthaler

Familie Bärnthaler vlg. Tiroler


From the farm: sale of potatoes and cereal products

The Bärnthaler organic farm is located in the Aichfeld at 700 metres above sea level and has been farmed organically since 1994. The family attaches great importance to circular economy, species-appropriate animal husbandry and feeding. The horned cattle have constant access to pasture and are fed with the farm's own fodder (grass, hay, some grain), from which the valuable "Zurück zum Ursprung" hay milk for the Upper Styrian dairy is produced. On the fertile fields, the Bärnthaler family grows potatoes, cereals (spelt, rye, wheat, barley, oats) as well as peas and clover grass, which are marketed directly from the farm.


Fam. Bärnthaler vlg. Tiroler
Gertraud Bärnthaler
Feldgasse 13
8753 Fohnsdorf

What the weather will be like

Fohnsdorf (738m)

very sunny
12°C 29°C
14°C 29°C
14°C 28°C