Die Eierhütte - Spielberg - Impression #1 | © Pixabay

Die Eierhütte - Spielberg


In the egg hut there is only the best from the Murtal region - and that 7 days a week, 24 hours a day!

In the Eierhütte you will not only find eggs. Here you will find selected delicacies from regional production. Starting with dairy products such as yogurt, cheese and whey, pasta, honey, jams, to finished products such as Carinthian noodles, goulash soup and sugary pastries. Gustiert by the extensive assortment. You'll also find seasonal vegetables and mushrooms, as well as herbs and teas, at the Eierhütte.

And so it goes: Select products, scan them on the computer, pay by card - and enjoy!


Die Eierhütte
Manfred Freigassner
Unterer Dorfgrund
8724 Spielberg bei Knittelfeld

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What the weather will be like

Spielberg (663m)

very sunny
13°C 29°C
15°C 30°C
15°C 29°C