ADEG Tilger - Impression #1 | © Tilger

ADEG Tilger


The ADEG store in Unzmarkt is 80 square meters in size, but Tamara Tilger offers an extremely diverse range in a rather limited space, because "it is important to me that my customers get all-round care from me".

TAMARA TILGER is a courageous woman who always sets herself high goals. At the age of only 22 she took over an ADEG store in Unzmarkt, Styria. And just five months after the takeover, she managed to brilliantly deal with a situation that cannot be found in any textbook for businesspeople: the corona virus came to Austria, whereupon far-reaching protective measures were taken in March. All of a sudden, everyday life changed drastically, and the food suppliers were suddenly faced with enormous challenges. “I STILL REMEMBER EXACTLY,” says Tamara Tilger, “it was on a Friday when I said to my employees that it would be good to keep a larger supply of flour because the demand could rise.” When she came back from her unscheduled errands, she couldn't believe her eyes: “Our shop was full of customers who all wanted to stock up on groceries.” The crowd continued for a few days, after which the number of customers fluctuated at a normal level. “But then things really started then,” says Tamara Tilger, referring to the adjustment to the completely unfamiliar situation that Corona brought with it.


Adeg Tilger
Tamara Tilger
Kärntnerstrasse 1
8800 Unzmarkt-Frauenburg

What the weather will be like

Unzmarkt-Frauenburg (750m)

very sunny
12°C 29°C
14°C 29°C
14°C 28°C