Way from the Castle Pichlarn
Along the golf course and via Gatschen and Lantschern back to the starting point.
FROM AND TO THE CASTLE. You start from the Imlauer Schloss Hotel Pichlarn and stroll leisurely along the golf course. Watching the game is of course allowed. Via Gatschen and Lantschern you come back to the starting point.
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In Wörschach or Trautenfels leave the Ennstalbundesstraße (B320) and continue to Irdning or Aigen. Now follow the signs to Pichlarn Castle.
From the parking lot at Schloss Pichlarn, follow the marking trail. You stroll leisurely past the golf course, walk along the road with little traffic to the Steiner farm and on to Gatschen. Via Lantschern you return to Pichlarn Castle.
Way number: 10
Take a break in the ,,Restaurant 19'' in German (,,Golfstüberl'') and look at the Golfers.
There gives no puplic transport.
Parking at the Hotel Castle Pichlarn
schloss-pichlarn-weg_img_41693935 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Roland Gutwenger
Blick nach Lantschern. Im Hintergrund der Hochmölbing und der Hochtausing. | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Roland Gutwenger
Gemütliche Rast zwischen den Feldern. | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Roland Gutwenger
Schlosshotel Pichlarn | © Tourismusmarketing Schladming-Dachstein | Armin 'Walcher
What the weather will be like
Aigen im Ennstal (652m)
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