Totes Gebirge mountain range - Impression #1

Totes Gebirge mountain range


Unimagined worlds of life open up here for experienced hikers.

An amazing number of medicinal herbs and edible plants can be found on the vast plateau. But be careful! Right next to the edible ones there are often highly poisonous plants.

And in any case, whoever messes with nature here has to reckon with the revenge of the Oimranzln ;-). These are alpine spirits, similar to the Kasamandln, who are said to have played many a trick on nature looters. Caution is advised especially in fog, which sometimes falls here almost abruptly.

But even otherwise, leaving the marked path can be quite dangerous. The Tote Gebirge is a karstic land, crisscrossed by abyssal gorges and more than 600 caves.


Henaralm - Naturfreunde Bad Aussee
Peko Baxant
Totes Gebirge
8993 Grundlsee
Moile +43 660 767 48 56

What the weather will be like

Grundlsee (717m)

very sunny
12°C 29°C
14°C 30°C
14°C 27°C