Sagtümpel - Tauplitz - Impression #1 | © TVB Ausseerland Salzkammergut/Robert Seebacher

Sagtümpel - Tauplitz


Northeast of Tauplitz, idyllically situated in the forest, is the legendary "Sagtümpel". It is one of the very rarely found in Austria vauclusic giant karst springs, which means that the water from a deep spring lake is pressed up from below.

The water flow varies between 10 l/s and 10 m³/s, with the catchment area of the spring mainly comprising the plateau of the Tauplitzalm. Marking tests proved a direct connection with the stream seepage of the Krallersee, north of the Hollhaus. The water overcomes a height difference of more than 600 meters at a distance of four kilometers. The water from the spring flows to the Tauplitz Waterfall, which plunges into the Grimmingbach with a magnificent 30 meters high cascade. Due to the great depth and mystical appearance of the Sagtümpel, a legend also surrounds this magical place. Unfortunately, the large spring pool was completely filled with gravel and concreted over in 1975 in the course of water supply. Since the extraction of drinking water was stopped in the 2000s, the reservoir has lain fallow.

The idea for a renaturation had already existed for several years. In the fall of 2016, renaturation could be started as part of a LEADER project. In the process, all concrete parts were removed and the spring lake was uncovered again using a special excavator. The successful renaturation created an interesting excursion destination for summer and winter walks. The Sagtümpel, a place of luck and power, has once again become a popular hiking and excursion destination near Tauplitz.


Sagtümpel - Tauplitz
8982 Bad Mitterndorf

What the weather will be like

Bad Mitterndorf (800m)

12°C 30°C
14°C 30°C
14°C 27°C