Movement Arena - Zirtingerrunde
Trail running or a leisurely hike with the family - the movement arena Mitterberg-St. Martin combines both.
Starting point "Hotel Reisslerhof" - The small "GENUSSRUNDE" enchants with beautiful meadows and forest paths with a wonderful view of Gröbming, Stoderzinken and the Schladminger Tauern.
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B320 - Abfahrt Gröbming-Mitterberg - Gasthaus Reißlerhof
Starting point "Hotel Reisslerhof" - The small "GENUSSRUNDE" enchants with beautiful meadows and forest paths with a wonderful view of Gröbming, Stoderzinken and the Schladminger Tauern.
mit dem PKW nach Mitterberg
bewegungsarena - zirtingerrunde (m 3)_img_58223047 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Schladming Dachstein - TVB Gröbminger Land
What the weather will be like
Mitterberg-Sankt Martin (767m)
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