Altaussee cress round
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After walking 300 meters further along the lake, at KM 1,1 you turn to the right upwards until you reach at the KM 1,9 to your right a taramac road.
At KM 2,3 to the left direction to Bad Aussee.
On a hilltop (KM 2,8) the tour takes you in a forest to your left and further to a nice viewpoint at the famous tree "Hofmannsthal-Linde".
Further onwards follow the hiking path until the highest point at KM 3,7 (to the right) to KM 4,0. At the firebrigade carry on straight ahead to the path "Emil-Mariott-Weg" and at the KM 4,2 turn to the street called "Ramgutstraße".
At KM 4,4 walk again straight ahed to the street "Sigmund-Freud-Straße" and at KM 4,8 leftwards to the path "Emil-Ertl-Weg", then via a meadow and downwards through a forest.
At KM 5,7 you reach the street in direction to Altaussee and after the bridge you take a right turn to the promenade "Klaus-Maria-Brandauer-Promenade".
Always following this promenade you will reach finally your starting point in Altaussee.
Information office Altaussee
Fischerndorf 61
8992 Altaussee
+43 3622 716 43
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Hiking maps are available in the information offices in Ausseerland or in the Ausseerland Artikel Shop.