The Sportarena Zloam - Sports - Games and sports equipment rental - Impression #1 | ©

The Sportarena Zloam - Sports - Games and sports equipment rental


No day like the other

Boredom on the Zloam? Never!
The sports arena on the Zloam offers a wide range of activities and leisure ideas for every season.

Sports equipment hire: ice skates, ice sticks, skis, snowshoes, toboggans, tennis rackets, bows and arrows, inline skates, skateboards, protectors, children's vehicles (bobbycars, go-carts, running bikes and much more).

The sports fun on the Zloam is limitless:
Ice skating fun on the approx. 1.400 m² natural ice rink and in the ice rink on 600 m² ecological synthetic ice slabs.
Ski Heil on the Zloam lift with four runs on 13 ha and a children's practice lift
Tobogganing fun on 1000m natural toboggan run with floodlights
Curling fun outdoors and indoors
Pony adventures, trail riding and riding lessons with the Zloam Horse Friends
Indoor rifle shooting for hobby shooters
3 D archery course (outdoor) and 4 D archery cinema (indoor) at any time of year
Tennis on two new, well-maintained clay courts
Driving fun indoors and at the playground with the children's vehicle park


Narzissendorf Zloam
Archkogl 188
8993 Grundlsee