Sandlingstubn at Jufa Hotel Altaussee - Impression #1 | © JUFA Hotels

Sandlingstubn at Jufa Hotel Altaussee


Away from the center of the village is this hotel with the fine, small café. Besides coffee and cake, small dishes are also offered.

Pure relaxation for the whole family.

The parents relax on the terrace or in the café and the children romp in the meantime in the newly designed Kraxlstube (indoor Playground). Of course, the very young guests were not forgotten, a playroom is integrated into the café.

The time until the next guided tour in the Salt Worlds is shortened. All hikers and cyclists are welcome to take a break and after a little refreshment the tour continues in the direction of Sandling, Loser or to Altaussee.

The team of JUFA Hotel Altaussee is looking forward to your visit!

Seats inside: 230
Seats outside: 25


Café Sandlingstubn im Jufa Hotel Altaussee
Maria Pitzer
Lichtersberg 67
8992 Altaussee

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What the weather will be like

Altaussee (727m)

very sunny
12°C 30°C
14°C 30°C
14°C 27°C