Riding school riding center Ausseerland - Pferdefreunde Zloam - Impression #1 | © Pferdefreunde Zloam

Riding school riding center Ausseerland - Pferdefreunde Zloam


An idyllic horse paradise in the middle of the Ausseerland.

With more than 45 years of experience, Pferdefreunde Zloam offers the highest level of service and quality for you and your horse.

An indoor riding arena as well as spacious open areas in dreamlike surroundings ensure a happy coexistence of horses and horse lovers.
Cleanliness is a matter of course here. The boxes are disinfected at regular intervals.

For horses for hire: Spacious paddocks and free-range areas - High quality hay - Spacious boxes according to the latest standards - Individual service with highest quality - Indoor, outdoor or paddock boxes with attached paddock

For riding enthusiasts: Expected to start in early summer 2020 - Group and individual lessons for beginners and advanced riders - Workshops with guest instructors, lungeing lessons, vaulting and pony leading for small horse lovers - Indoor and outdoor

Usually our business is open all year round, please enquire directly with us about any changes. We will be happy to help you at any time!