Mountain of Treasures - The White Gold from Altaussee - Impression #1 | © salzwelten_johannes_kernmayer

Mountain of Treasures - The White Gold from Altaussee


Salzwelten Altaussee: Experience the largest active salt mine in Austria!

An exciting mix awaits you at the Altaussee Salt Worlds in the Styrian Salzkammergut: Here, Austria's largest still-active salt mine meets the Hollywood-ready story of stolen Nazi looted art. There, where pure rock salt shimmers orange-red in deep tunnels and in a mystical chapel - this is exactly where courageous Altaussee miners once saved Europe's works of art from destruction by the Nazi regime.

Our tips:
  • Ideal for a trip with kids: the children's tours with Sally, the clever mine duck. With her you will discover mysterious tunnels, go down miners' slides and learn all about salt! 29.06.2024 - 08.09.2024 every Friday till Monday at 15:00.
  • Themed tour "Bombs on Michelangelo":July & August, every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.; registration required.

Ideal for all kids ages 4-10: The Sally Children's Tour. Sally is the small, clever pit duck and the mascot of the Salzwelten. Together with a Salzwelten guide and your accompanying person, you will explore the salt mine (29.06.2024 - 08.09.2024, Frisay till Monday 3:00 p.m./other tours at

Special tour: "Bombs to Michelangelo". Exactly how the courageous miners of Altaussee managed to save the valuable art treasures from destruction and why some of the famous works of art turned up a short time later in the back rooms of inns - you can find out all about this in the approximately 90-minute themed tour. (July & August, every Wednesday, 5:00 p.m.)

More info, online tickets and opening hours


Salzwelten Altaussee
Lichtersberg 25
8992 Altaussee

What the weather will be like

Altaussee (727m)

very sunny
12°C 30°C
14°C 30°C
14°C 27°C