Lake Grundlsee - Impression #1 | © Freizeitzentrum Gössl

Lake Grundlsee


Lake Grundlsee is set in the wonderful mountain landscape of the Toten Gebirge and invites to activities in an intact nature.

With an area of 5 km² Lake Grundlsee is the largest lake in Styria. It is also known as the "Styrian Sea".

Facts at a glance
Height above sea level: 710m
Size: 6km x 700m
Depth: 69m
Different beach and sunbathing areas: Stone, sand and grass and 3 children's play areas

There is an open air pool in Archkogl. In Gössl, at the end of the lake, there is a recreation area with water slide and children's playground. Shopping and refreshments are also available nearby.

The beach area goes around the lake and is 14km long. Apart from a couple of private beaches, it is all accessible free of charge!


Informationsbüro Grundlsee Tourismusverband Ausseerland Salzkammergut
Mosern 25
8993 Grundlsee

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What the weather will be like

Grundlsee (717m)

very sunny
12°C 29°C
14°C 30°C
14°C 27°C