Herbal Stories Natalie Pürcher - Impression #1 | © Natalie Pürcher

Herbal Stories Natalie Pürcher

Bad Aussee

Herbal Stories Natalie Pürcher - Certified Medicinal Herb Educator

I live together with my young son and my husband in the beautiful Ausseerland.

Since childhood I have been fascinated by the world of wild herbs. At that time I was allowed to accompany my mom and my grandma when collecting herbs and make my own tea mixtures, ointments and tinctures together with them. Even as a child, I found it especially fascinating to use the products I made myself.

Fortunately, I have never lost sight of the treasures that nature offers us, and so in 2019 I decided to spend a whole year training on wild herbs and their effect on the body, followed by a final exam. Since then, I may call myself a certified medicinal herb educator and pass on this valuable ancient knowledge.

I am happy when people try one or the other recipe from my blog and give me feedback in the form of comments on my website www.kraeutergeschichten.at or via Instagram. Most of all, however, I am happy when I get to show live in nature the countless herbal treasures we have at our disposal and can tell you a thing or two about them.

I also have a lot of fun with workshops where we make herbal products together. All information about the events can be found under herbal events. I look forward to your registrations.


Natalie Pürcher
Grundlseer Straße 75
8990 Bad Aussee

What the weather will be like

Bad Aussee (652m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
14°C 31°C
15°C 27°C