Gartengestaltung Reischenböck GmbH - Impression #1 | © Stepahnie Bor

Gartengestaltung Reischenböck GmbH


Current information

Carnival Monday and Carnival Tuesday also open in the afternoon.

Ascher Wednesday open continuously from 08:00am to 05:00pm.

Garden design & planning

... because gardens are our passion!

For already four generations, your ideas are implemented in the garden design with a lot of passion and creativity.

Whether a colorful dream garden, a chill terrace, a rich perennial bed, a well-tended lawn or a wonderful kitchen garden, from a swimming pond to a natural pool - with your collection of ideas we design your personal favorite place.

The team around the family Reischenböck is always concerned about your request.

Payment conditions

Payment can be made in cash, with ATM, or on account!


Gartengestaltung Reischenböck GmbH
Werner Reischenböck
Puchen 116
8992 Altaussee

What the weather will be like

Altaussee (727m)

very sunny
12°C 30°C
14°C 30°C
14°C 27°C