© Martin Baumgartner | Martin Baumgartner © Martin Baumgartner | Martin Baumgartner

events in the Ausseerland region

Sport events, art and cultural events, as well as traditional festivals such as carnival celebrations or the well-known daffodil festival - people like to be on tour in Ausseerland. The regular held state opera ballet in the Kur- und Congresshaus Bad Aussee is particularly recommendable. But young artists also organise exhibitions and performances that are always worth a visit. Both, holiday guests and locals can choose from a colourful programme of events to suit their mood.

Im Woferlstall | © E.I.K.E Forum

Myth Salzkammergut

Bad Mitterndorf
20 Sep. 2024
from 19:30 o'clock
With Barbara Frischmuth, Anton Thuswaldner, Christian Dirninger - Musical support: Toni Burger
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Dorfabend in Gössl

Event in Gössl

09 May. - 21 Sep. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Where? At the village square of the Grundlsee municipality in Gössl
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Dumplings | © Familie Pohn

Schnapps school, organic lamb and dumpling specialities

Bad Mitterndorf
08 Aug. - 26 Oct. 2024
from 18:00 o'clock
The wittiest school in the country- The "Schnapsschule" at the Knödl-Alm on the Knoppenberg.
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Schick Schikaria | © Hubertusalm- Claudia Zechmann

Schick Schickaria on the Hubertusalm

Bad Mitterndorf
23 Aug. - 12 Oct. 2024
from 21:00 o'clock
Schick Schickaria - the meeting place in Bad Mitterndorf on the Hubertusalm
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Kappa in Kainisch | © Haruko Maeda

Kappa in Kainisch

Bad Mitterndorf
09 Aug. - 21 Sep. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Haruko Maeda worked at Kainisch station
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Olga Shcheblykina | © Olga Shcheblykina

Infinitely large, infinitely small

Bad Mitterndorf
09 Aug. - 21 Sep. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Olga Shcheblykina worked at Kainisch railway station
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LoserBergzeitfahren, Altaussee, Trisselwand | © Lindpointner

3rd Loser Mountain Time - bike race

21 Sep. 2024
from 13:00 o'clock
There are separate classifications for women and men each in the category road bike and outainbikes.
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Loser Alm, Altaussee, summer | © Tom Lamm

Summer atmosphere at the Loseralm

27 Jul. - 19 Oct. 2024
from 12:00 o'clock
The afternoon will be lively accompanied by the Ausseer Tanzlmusi.
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Rufzeichen (!) | © GPH

exclamation mark (!)

Bad Aussee
09 Aug. - 21 Sep. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Adriana Torres Topaga worked with BIS SPARTA project staff at Bad Aussee railway station.
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Skizze o. T. | © Hans Ostapenko


Bad Aussee
02 Aug. - 21 Sep. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Hans Ostapenko has created a spatial installation at Bad Aussee railway station that is directly related to current and...
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Trainsition | © Judit liia Molnár


Bad Aussee
09 Aug. - 21 Sep. 2024
from 14:00 o'clock
Judit Lilla Molnár worked at Bad Aussee railway station.
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Gourmet Atelier Streirerhütte, Sushi Week | © Gourmet Atelier Steirerhütte

Sumaki Week

Bad Mitterndorf
11 - 21 Sep. 2024
from 17:00 o'clock
Sumaki Week at the Gourmet Atelier Steirerhütte in Bad Mitterndorf.
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Plan your vacation in the Ausseerland region