Hotel Hechl, Tauplitz, Außenansicht | © Hotel DER HECHL Hotel Hechl, Tauplitz, Außenansicht | © Hotel DER HECHL

Tue., 22/10/2024 from 19:30 o'clock

Food as a consolation? When eating is no longer a pleasure

For your healthy life!
Find out which nutrients strengthen your body and how you can use them specifically for your health.

In her lecture, Susanne Bernegger-Flintsch shares valuable tips and practical information to help you stay healthy and vital. Immediately after the lecture, you can put your new knowledge into practice and do something good for your body in the long term.

Duration: 60 minutes + questions + discussion round

Registration at  or  

Date and time

Tue., 22/10/2024
Starts at: 19:30 O'clock (Duration: 1 Hour)

Event location

Tauplitz - Hotel Hechl

Additional Information

Price information

Euro 18,00

max. 45 participants


Susanne Bernegger-Flintsch
Mühlbachweg 4/Top 5
5071 Wals-Käferheim
Mobile +43 664 393 59 47


Der Hechl Hotel - Restaurant
Tauplitz 64
8982 Bad Mitterndorf


Susanne Bernegger-Flintsch
Mühlbachweg 4/Top 5
5071 Wals-Käferheim
Mobile +43 664 393 59 47