Antipasti Steirisch Joshi - Impression #1 | © Antipasti Steirisch Joshi

Antipasti Steirisch Joshi


Styrian antipaste

natural - ecological - vegan - delicious

From our own garden or self-picked, naturally and resource-conserving cultivated, processed without preservatives.
The Styrian Antipaste is excellent on rolls, with cheese, grilled and fried food, with wine and beer, with every snack.

A unique taste experience.

Here - on the highest point on the Teiplberg in Lannach - we grow our vegetables naturally. The nutrients are supplied exclusively by our Haflinger Amadeus - together with his 3 grazing companions.

Zucchini, Hokkaido squash, eggplants, tomatoes, onions and chili from our own garden go into our jars. Depending on the season and harvest, we also add baby corn, sugar snap peas and other vegetables.

The chanterelles we collect ourselves in higher forests, of course with the consent of the forest owners.

The Styrian antipaste
Inspired by numerous stays in Italy and Greece we decided to create antipasti also with the fruits of Styria - the result is delicious.

The Styrian Antipaste is excellent with cheese and wine, with any snack or - as the name suggests - on an appetizer plate.


Delikatessen vom Teiplberg - Steirische Antipaste
Anne Joshi
Teiplbergstraße 21
8502 Lannach
Moile (0043) 6649630030

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What the weather will be like

Lannach (340m)

very sunny
14°C 30°C
17°C 31°C
17°C 30°C