Walking trail above Ramsau Ort.
A forest path via the Ramsbergerhof to Gasthof Edelbrunn, which offers you the connection to the Ramsau alpine pasture area.
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From the west: Tauern Autobahn (A 10) to Knoten Ennstal - turnoff direction Graz/Schladming - stay on the Ennstal-Bundesstraße (B320) for approx. 20 km until Schladming - take the turnoff for Ramsau.
From the north: Pyhrn Autobahn (A 9) direction Liezen - take the Ennstal-Bundesstraße (B320) to Schladming - turnoff Ramsau.
The Larch Trail, also known as Lärchen Weg, is a connecting trail between Ramsau Ort and the trailhead of the "Ski Trail Türlwand". Starting from Hotel Lärchenhof, a forest trail will take you to Gasthof Edelbrunn, approx. 45-minute walk.
Bus schedule of the Ramsauer Verkehrsbetriebe: www.rvb.at
Congress Centre Ramsau Ort
Winterwandern in Ramsau am Dachstein | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Tourismusverband Schladming-Dachstein
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Ramsau am Dachstein (1137m)
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