Schwarzensee at Naturpark Sölktäler | © Steiermark Tourismus | Tom Lamm Schwarzensee at Naturpark Sölktäler | © Steiermark Tourismus | Tom Lamm
Nature juwels in Styria

Lakes & ponds

While mountain lakes are surrounded by peaks and alpine pastures, ponds were created by man and are located in the valleys or in the hilly landscape. Whether created or formed naturally, both offer excellent conditions to relax and unwind.

Marsh marigolds or ragged robins blossom on the shore, trout swim in the water and the wind whispers. Cowbells ring and birds sing in the distance... this is how relaxing mountain lakes and ponds can be.

The water surface offers a natural spectacle: cattails and frogspoons grow in the shallow water on the shore. Water lilies and pondweed bloom in the centre of the pond. And if you keep quiet enough, you will discover countless water birds around the Styrian lakes and ponds. Therefore, it is definitely recommended to take binoculars with you.

You can also discover the frozen lake near Hohentauern, which is still iced over in the early summer. The surrounding mountain peaks cast such long shadows on the water that it cannot thaw for a long time. The lake Kaltenbach in the natural park Sölktäler is known for its colourful variety of flowers - almost every colour of the rainbow is represented here, from alpine rue to gentian. And the neighbouring Schwarzensee is considered a popular sighting spot for butterflies.

Awesome lakes and ponds experiences

Schautafel am Ödensee | © Ausseerland
Bad Mitterndorf easy
Route 9,3 km
Duration 2:39 h

nature experience lake Ödensee

Vorbei am Unikat der Thermen Rogner Bad Blumau, gestaltet von Friedensreich Hundertwasser. | Leo Himsl | © Steiermark Tourismus
Bad Blumau medium Open
Route 37,8 km
Duration 3:00 h

Fantastic tour in Bad Blumau (Fantastische Tour)

Mittlerer Kaltenbachsee | (c) Anja Langbrucker | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein
Sölk medium
Route 4,1 km
Duration 3:00 h

3-lakes-hike to the Kaltenbachseen

Abkühlung am Zufluss des Schwarzensees  | Naturpark Sölktäler in der Region Schladming-Dachstein | © © Österreich Werbung, Fotograf: Peter Podpera
Sölk easy
Route 8,2 km
Duration 2:30 h


Furtner Teich | René Hochegger | © Tourismusverband Murau
Neumarkt in der Steiermark easy
Route 2,6 km
Duration 1:15 h

Furtner Teich circular hiking trail

1. Zwieflersee | Tom Lamm | © Tourismusverband Murau
Schöder medium
Route 4,1 km
Duration 1:49 h

Zwiefler lakes- Sölkpass

Dürrmooswasserfall | Schladming Dachstein | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein
Sölk challenging
Route 14,4 km
Duration 6:30 h

Hohensee - Schimpelscharte - Etrachsee