Lindenberg Chapel - Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Oststeiermark

Lindenberg Chapel


The church of St. Anna am Lindenberg, or also known everywhere as the Lindenbergkirche, stands majestically on the Lindenberg in Passail and offers a breathtaking view of the Passailer Kessel. It is a popular excursion and wedding church. Right next to it is the Lindenberg Stub'n for a stop.

The branch church on Lindenberg was built in the late Gothic style in the 16th century. The people built the church as a thank you for finally averting the long raging plague. The beautiful high altar from the Renaissance was gilded in 1893.

The view from the church is simply fantastic, one is not only amazed at the almost 1,500 planted linden trees, but the view falls over the entire Passailer basin.


Pfarrverband Passail-Fladnitz-Arzberg
Kirchengasse 1
8162 Passail
Moile +43 676 8742 6343

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What the weather will be like

Passail (653m)

very sunny
14°C 28°C
16°C 30°C
16°C 28°C