Home land museum Arzberg - Impression #1 | © Marktgemeinde Passail

Home land museum Arzberg


The Arzberger Heimat- und Volkkundemuseum (Museum of Local History and Folklore) includes a clear display of objects and equipment from the rural and craft world of work and life.

The local history museum tries to bring the traditional rural and artisan working and living environment closer to the visitor through the display of typical regional culture-bearing objects and equipment. The objects on display (16th to 20th centuries) are a wide range of rural and handicraft tools from the region, but also objects from schools and churches, as well as from the mining past and local history. Since 1962, the founder of the collection, Ms. Gertrud Neurath (2001), and Mr. Eduard Weidl have collected various folkloric objects from the region over the course of several decades and housed them for decades in the “Maierhof” next to the Stubegg castle ruins. The museum has been located in the multi-purpose building since 2002. Here you will also find the access room to the show mine, including a video room and a snack bar. The combination of the show mine and local history museum and the local history collection results in a significant expansion of the cultural offerings in the region.

Take advantage of the opportunity and travel by public transport.


Schaustollen & Heimatmuseum Arzberg
Arzberg 20
8162 Passail
Moile +43 664 96 39 640

What the weather will be like

Passail (653m)

very sunny
14°C 28°C
16°C 30°C
16°C 28°C