Hiking route In the Miners’ Footsteps - Touren-Impression #1 | © Gerhard Pilz - www.gpic.at Hiking route In the Miners’ Footsteps - Touren-Impression #1 | © Gerhard Pilz - www.gpic.at

In the Miners’ Footsteps

At the guided tours in the Bromriesen mine you digg into the past of the Schladming region.

Some 1500 miners toiled below ground digging for silver, lead, copper, cobalt, nickel and zinc in the early part of the 16th century. The Anna Mine and the Nickel Museum are a legacy of that time. Tours through the mine  are offered from enod of May until mid October.

Guided Tour of Bromriesen Mine:

The tour starts at the car park in Hopfriesen near the bus stop. Together we walk up the mountain for about 25 minutes to the entrance of the former silver mine tunnel. Visitors are given a helmet, protective jacket, torches and some carbide lamps in the entrance parlour. Relics from the mining era are on display in the narrow tunnels.

Passing beautiful backfill walls and ore passages, visitors use ladders to reach the higher parts of the tunnel system. The mining methods used over the centuries, such as fire-setting, chiselling and blasting, can be seen everywhere. The very brave choose the path through the air shaft to get back out into the open on all fours at the slightly higher mouth hole.

On the way back to the starting point in the valley, the path leads us to the only ruins of a nickel smelting furnace in Europe. The museum is open every Friday morning from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. during the summer (June to August).



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
2,7 km
3:30 h
413 hm
413 hm
1392 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

From Schladming take provincial highway L722 (Rohrmoosstraße road) to Rohrmoos and at the roundabout continue on provincial highway L723 (Tälerstraße road) towards Untertal. At the end of Untertal village turn right into Obertal valley. Follow the road for approximately 7 kms until you reach the hiking trail head "Hopfriesen".
This hike is only possible with a guide!

Registration online in our ticket shop
Special guided tours and group tours on request!

A guided tour of the Annastollen in the Bromriesen is a good bad weather programme.

With the Planai buses from Schladming (Planet-Planai, Lendplatz) or Rohrmoos (Rohrmoos-Zentrum) to Obertal - bus stop "Hopfriesen".
Parking is available at the hiking trail head.

Tourismusinformation: www.schladming-dachstein.at

Information Bustrasfer: www.planaibus.at

Free brochure ‘In the footsteps of the miners’ - available from the Schladming Tourist Office.


What the weather will be like

Schladming (740m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
14°C 31°C
15°C 27°C

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