Mountain air and the scent of herbs on Hochschwab - Impression #1

Mountain air and the scent of herbs on Hochschwab


Magnificent views, the purest mountain air, fragrant herbs and pure relaxation away from the hustle and bustle. This is what you find in the herb mile Aflenz, at the foot of the Hochschwab.

Accompanied at every turn by fragrant alpine flowers and herbs such as arnica, edelweiss, gentian, thyme and goldenrod.... All these medicinal plants and wild herbs can be discovered and experienced with all your senses on the Aflenzer Bürgeralm, one of the most beautiful alpine flora regions in Europe. The medicinal herb educator Regina Müllner guides you on this herb hike through primeval alpine landscapes and to cosy huts.

Summer resort tip: And because fresh air is known to whet the appetite, after a herb hike you can let yourself be pampered by gourmet chef Johann Wöls at Landgasthof Hubinger according to the motto "fresh - regional - seasonal". A 4-course herb gourmet menu or game specialities are also on the programme - who wouldn't get hungry for Hochsteiermark?

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What the weather will be like

Thörl (643m)

very sunny
12°C 29°C
14°C 31°C
slightly cloudy
15°C 29°C