Alles zum Thema Heilkräuter - Impression #1

Alles zum Thema Heilkräuter


For all those who want to acquire or significantly expand their knowledge of medicinal plants, the training courses to become a medicinal herb coach (basic course and continuation course) in Aflenz Kurort provide the ideal basis. 

Aflenz Kurort - climatic climatic health resort and Kneipp health resort - located in the midst of the wonderful natural landscape of the Hochschwab region, offers all the prerequisites as a seminar location. 
During the "Solb’n rühren" at the Aflenzer Bürgeralm, you will get to know various medicinal herbs in natural locations. During a hike, the herbs are collected and processed into a "Solb’n", tincture and an oil extract in a cozy alpine hut.
During the herb tours for children “Herbs in Sight”, the explorer's bag is taken on a voyage of discovery, herbs are collected and a delicious snack is prepared with them.
The program also includes guided herb hikes for young and old, alpine flora hikes and hikes to arnica and edelweiss (dates May to August).


Heilkräuter Natur-Erlebnis Aflenz-Kurort
Regina Müllner
Zöbriach 248
8621 Thörl

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What the weather will be like

Aflenz (760m)

very sunny
12°C 28°C
14°C 30°C
slightly cloudy
15°C 28°C