Winter hike on the sunny plateau Bad Aussee
The classic panorama of the Ausseerland, from the Sandling, Loser, Totes Gebirge east of the Grundlsee, can only be experienced on this plateau.
A wonderful walk on groomed hiking trail next to the cross-country ski trail.
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Before the entrance to the
Narzissen Vital Resort turn right and follow the prepared footpath, always with the Sarstein in view.
At the next road, the path leads in the opposite direction again, below the Hotel Die Wasnerin and south of the Narzissen Vital Resort in the direction of Teichschloß. At the next intersection (another entry point for this hike) you return to the starting point.
Afterwards a bath/sauna in the Narzissen Vital Resort - what could be better?
Das Panorama | © Ausseerland
Narzissenbad mit Sandling und Loser | © Ausseerland
auf dem Rückweg | © Ausseerland
Narzissenbad mit Sandling | © Ausseerland
What the weather will be like
Bad Aussee (652m)
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