Mountain Hike Rohrauerhaus-round - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse Mountain Hike Rohrauerhaus-round - Touren-Impression #1 | © TV Gesäuse


Family-friendly day tour with border crossing between Upper Austria and Styria
The special attraction of this day tour is that you take the train through the mountain (Bosrucktunnel) and then walk back over the mountain to the starting point.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
14,9 km
6:30 h
672 hm
672 hm
1374 m
Highest point

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B 146 Gesäusebundesstraße until turn-off Ardning, follow the Dorfstraße until station Ardning
After parking the car at Ardning station we take the train one stop towards Linz, through the Bosrucktunnel to Spital am Pyhrn. Here we walk through the beautiful chestnut avenue to the village centre, then follow the signposts to Dr. Vogelgesang-Klamm. We cross the idyllic village and soon leave the last houses behind us, without a significant ascent to the entrance of the gorge. After paying the small maintenance fee, we climb the wooden steps up and enjoy - most beautiful in spring, when a lot of water rushes down the gorge stream - the coolness of the roaring water. After about 1/2 hour from the entrance of the gorge we leave the gorge and arrive at a lovely alpine pasture.

The Bosruckhütte holds a cool drink and a snack ready for us. Then we set off again and follow the sign "Rohrauerhaus 45 min." on a forest road that leads directly to the hut.

The Rohrauerhaus is well managed as a TVN refuge from May to October and has an inviting guest garden with a view of the Great Pyhrgas. We say goodbye to the hut hosts again and walk along a forest path to the Pyhrgasgatterl. This is the border between Upper Austria and Styria. Another short ascent and we have a wonderful view into the Ennstal valley between Ardning and Selzthal. A narrow path leads us to the Bacheralm and past several alpine huts we come to a forest road. Towards the Bacher Walls, the flower carpets are especially beautiful in spring. The path soon winds through the forest, then on an alpine meadow and we can already see the Ardningalm. If we are on the road on a Saturday or Sunday from May to October, we can still attach the Ardningalm Alpine Museum. To do so, we follow the turnoff "Almmuseum" just before we reach the Ardningalm hut. The Ardningalm Hut is open all year round, only in November and April there are a few weeks of holidays. Here we can strengthen ourselves again to finally reach the last stage of our day tour. We march along the forest road, which crosses a forest area, until we see the "Brandlkapelle" chapel on the right side of the path. We walk the few steps to the chapel, which has a centuries-old tradition. It was part of the pilgrimage route of the Windischgarstner to the pilgrimage church Frauenberg and this is where the pilgrims first saw the church in the distance. Soon the first houses of the village of Ardning follow and the gravel road leads into an asphalt road, which we follow to the centre of the village, where we enjoy a good meal in the innkeeper's garden before we walk the last 500 m to the railway station.

 follow the pilgrimage path of the Windischgarstner by car and visit the pilgrimage church Frauenberg - a baroque jewel - 5 km towards Admont.
Postbus line 910 or 912 to Ardning village square, timetable at

Train: Pyhrn route Selzthal - Linz to Ardning railway station or Spital am Pyhrn railway station

at Ardning trainstation

Tourismusverband Gesäuse

Hauptstraße 35, 8911 Admont, Österreich

Tel. +43 (0) 3613 21160 10


F & B Wanderkarte Nr. 062 "Gesäuse-Ennstaler Alpen-Schoberpass" Rother Wanderführer Gesäuse


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