Prenten Höhenweg (Number 8)
Along forest paths at the foot of the crest the Prenten Höhenweg leads with its starting and end point in Lengdorf.
Starting from Lengdorf, this route leads at the foot of the crest through beautiful forest paths towards the district of Prenten and back to Lengdorf via the so-called "Masler Gaßl".
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More information
From Salzburg: A 10 Tauernautobahn to Altenmarkt/Pongau junction - B 320 Ennstalbundesstraße - Gröbming
From Graz: A 9 Phyrn Motorway to St. Michael junction - Liezen B 320 to Gröbming
From Linz: A 9 Phyrnautobahn to Liezen (Bosrucktunnel MAUT!! or Phyrnpass) - B 320 to Gröbming
Starting from Lengdorf, this route leads at the foot of the crest through beautiful forest paths towards the district of Prenten and back to Lengdorf via the so-called "Masler Gaßl".
prenten höhenweg (nummer 8)_img_52325818 | © Erlebnisregion Schladming-Dachstein | Schladming Dachstein - TVB Gröbminger Land
What the weather will be like
Mitterberg-Sankt Martin (767m)
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