Mountain Hike Gr. Geiger in Hinterwildalpen - Touren-Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Wildalpen Mountain Hike Gr. Geiger in Hinterwildalpen - Touren-Impression #1 | © Tourismusverband Wildalpen

Gr. Geiger in Hinterwildalpen

Hinterwildalpen - Lichtenegg - Eisenerzer Höhe - Kleiner Geiger - Grosser Geiger und retour
Alpine mountain hike in Hinterwildalpen in a very rustic alpine and mountain village with unique flora and fauna. Incidentally, Hinterwildalpen also has the valley head and crossings to Gams or Eisenerz are only possible on foot. Quiet summer days invite you to linger and relax. The sun terrace at the Zum Krug inn in Hinterwildalpen offers the finest panoramic views.



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
13,8 km
4:30 h
1096 hm
1096 hm
1723 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Travelling to Wildalpen by car:

From Vienna: A1 Westautobahn exit Ybbs via Wieselburg, Scheibbs and Lunz/See to Göstling an der Ybbs continue in the direction of Palfau, at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.

From Vienna, Eisenstadt: Semmeringschnellstraße S6, near Mürzzuschlag onto the B23 Mariazeller Bundesstrasse and Mürzsteg and Wegscheid to Gusswerk and on the Hochschwab Bundesstrasse B 24 to Wildalpen.

From Linz: A1 to Voralpenkreuz junction, A9 to Windischgarsten, Unterlaussa, Altenmarkt, Grossreifling, Palfau and Wildalpen

From Salzburg: A1 on A9 to exit Ardning/Admont, Gesäusebundesstrasse and B24 to Wildalpen

From Graz: A9 Pyhrnautobahn, exit, Traboch (near Leoben) via Präbichl/Eisenerz, Hieflau, Landl, Gams to Palfau at the Erzhalden junction turn off to Wildalpen.

You start at the junction at the mountain stream gravel field with a crossing of asphalt onto the forest road and hike up to Lichtenegg (alpine pasture private). From there the gravel road changes to an alpine path, a little higher comes the Jungfernsprung and the Eisenerzer Höhe.

At the Eisenerzer Höhe cross, walk 10 steps in the direction of Eisenerz and then take a sharp right turn. The path from the Eisenerzer Höhe actually always stays in the same direction with 3 counter ascents. On the descent you take the same path back. You will not find any refreshment stops during the tour. At the summit of the Großer Geiger you have a very good view of the Hinterwildalpen, the Hochschwab and Gesäuseberge mountains and the Alpine foothills.

Basically, you take the ascent path as the descent path back.

Rather no water along the ascent trail.

Recommended stop and overnight stay: Gasthaus Zum Krug in Hinterwildalpen


Insider tip: Since the forest road from Landl to the Buchberg was built, an old hunting trail (partly cairns) from Gr. Geiger to Winterhöh is quite often used. A connection to Hoher Buchberg and Goss is therefore possible, or a descent to Pumerlniederalm / Lurgg as a round tour. Important to tackle only with good maps, gps device and in good weather!

Alpine mountain hike in Hinterwildalpen in a very rustic alpine and mountain village with unique flora and fauna. Incidentally, Hinterwildalpen also has the valley head and crossings to Gams or Eisenerz are only possible on foot. Quiet summer days invite you to linger and relax. The sun terrace at the Zum Krug inn in Hinterwildalpen offers the finest panoramic views.

Die Anreise mit dem Taxi nach Wildalpen:

Reinhold Missethon, Tel. 0043 (0)3636 / 317 oder 0043 (0)650 / 310 10 20

Johanna Werner, Tel. 0043 (0)3636 / 321 oder 0043 (0)664 / 648 55 37

Drive 6 km to Hinterwildalpen past Gasthaus Zum Krug, turn left immediately afterwards and park at the mountain stream gravel field; start to the forest road.
Infobüro/Salza Wildalpen

Wildalpen 91 – 8924 Wildalpen Tel. 03636/241

Mo und Fr. 9:00-17:00

Hiking map available free of charge at the Infobüro-Salza in Wildalpen.

18 Alpine Club Map Hochschwab Group


What the weather will be like

Wildalpen (611m)

very sunny
13°C 30°C
15°C 31°C
slightly cloudy
15°C 29°C

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