Theme path Gasteiger circular hiking trail - Touren-Impression #1 | © Gesäuse - Landl Theme path Gasteiger circular hiking trail - Touren-Impression #1 | © Gesäuse - Landl

Gasteiger circular hiking trail

Adventurous circular walk with forest cultural monuments in the community of Landl and Gams in the footsteps of Hans Gasteiger, builder of the Reiflinger Rechen
Starting point Großreifling railway station with possibility to visit the Ö Forstmuseum Silvanum in Großreifling - Alter Kasten and Nikolauskirche - Ennsbrücke on the right - rake remains - right over the Salzabauernbrücke to the estate Mooslandl 1, Salzabauer - Karl August Steig with a view of Gams - Schweinhalt - ObergaMs - Gampmeier - Radstatthöhe - Sulza - Ganser Mühlsteinbruch - panoramic view of Landl and the Gesaeuse mountains - descent Pumperl to Radstatthof - refreshments AVIA petrol station Moser and Landhotel Mooswirt, Freizeitpark Landl - Dörfl - Steinwandweg and back to the starting point Großreifling



Best season


The tour in numbers

Level of difficulty
17,7 km
6:00 h
488 hm
505 hm
743 m
Highest point

Map & downloads

More information

Coming from Graz (approx. 112 km): From Leoben in the direction of Vordernberg, further over the Präbichl to Eisenerz, Hieflau; in Landl straight on to Grossreifling

Coming from Linz (approx. 128 km): Via Enns towards Steyr, continue through the Enns valley to Weyr, Altenmarkt, in Großreifling turn left before the train station and park

Varied, well-signposted hike with theme boards that point out historical and scenic features.

Starting point Großreifling railway station with possibility to visit the Ö Forstmuseum Silvanum in Großreifling - Alter Kasten and Nikolauskirche - Ennsbrücke bridge on the right - rake remains - right over the Salzabauernbrücke bridge to the estate Mooslandl 1, Salzabauer - Karl August Steig with a view of Gams - Schweinhalt - ObergaMs - Gampmeier - Radstatthöhe - Sulza - Ganser Mühlsteinbruch - panoramic view of Landl and the Gesaeuse mountains - descent Pumperl to Radstatthof - refreshments AVIA petrol station Moser and Landhotel Mooswirt, Freizeitpark Landl - Dörfl - Steinwandweg and back to the starting point Großreifling

The circular hike can be walked in sections from different entry points.

Großreifling station or at the power station.
Refreshments along the way:

AVIA filling station Moser

Amusement park Landl in the district Mooslandl

Landhotel Mooswirt

Erlebniskarte Geäuse in Gem.Amt und Infobüro's.7

Österr. Karte 100 Hieflau u. 101 Eisenerz F&B WK 062 ? Gesäuse-Ennstaler Alpen-Schoberpass F&B WK 051 - Eisenwurzen-Steyr-Waidhofen a.d. Ybbs-Hochkar

Brochure with directions and route description is available at the municipal office


What the weather will be like

Landl (522m)

very sunny
12°C 31°C
14°C 31°C
15°C 28°C

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