

Finde deinen Outdoorprofi im Gesäuse.

Gut gesichert unterwegs mit deinem Bergführer | © Stefan Leitner
  • Admont

Alpinschule Alpinstil

Mountain sports with quality for your experience Your mountain guide will take you to the most beautiful parts of the...
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Steindolmetscher Wolfgang Riedl | © Stefan Leitner
  • Admont

Steindolmetscher Wolfgang Riedl

Based in the magnificent Gesäuse, I take you on hikes and excursions to infect you with my fascination for geology....
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Berglandschaft Gesäuse | © Stefan Leitner
  • Landl

Bergwanderführerin "Bergvagabundin" Susanne Posegga

You don't have to travel far to discover new worlds.... Travelling on foot in the world of mountains
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Bergwanderführer Stefan Siedler | © Stefan  Leitner
  • Admont

Bergwanderführer Stefan Siedler

Experience nature on foot - hiking in the Gesäuse! For its visitors, the Gesäuse is more than an alpine hiking or...
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Unterwegs mit Thomas Stanzinger | © Thomas Stanzinger
  • Liezen

Bergführer Thomas Stanzinger

Discover the Gesäuse with a professional at your side! Welcome to the Gesäuse, one of the most beautiful and...
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Kajakfahren auf der wilden Enns | © Stefan Leitner
  • Landl

Adventure Outdoor Strobl

Since 1988, AOS has offered a wide range of outdoor activities for all target groups. Families and schools are just as...
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Spaß und Abenteuer in der Kletterhalle | © Thomas Sattler
  • open today
  • Liezen

Kletterhalle City Rock

Yippee yippee - we're going climbing Handles, pliers, laths - no, this is not about the new DIY store range, this is...
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Satinka und Taisha | © Satinka Andrea Kolling
  • Admont


Silent donkey trekking for adults and children
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Black Sheep Basis | © Black Sheeps Adventures KG
  • Wildalpen

Black Sheeps Adventures

We organise and take care of a wide range of activities, adrenaline-pumping experiences (also suitable as gifts),...
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Rafting auf der Enns | © Rudolf Zeiringer
  • Admont


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Die tiefgrüne steirische Salza | © Uwe Felix
  • Wildalpen

Felix Uwe

There is no schematic programme in the courses! I try to respond individually to each participant.
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