Pürgschachen Moor - Impression #1 | © Christian Scheucher

Pürgschachen Moor


The stretch between Admont and Liezen is home to a moor with peat layer that reaches up to seven metres in depth. It covers an area of 50 hectares and is not spooky at all, quite the contrary – visitors will feel more than welcome. There are very few moors of this size in the Alps, so having the chance to discover this one near Ardning is a real privilege.

Enjoying strict protection

The starting point for this activity is the parking lot in Ardning. Thirteen stations and a strictly protected natural area are waiting to be (carefully and respectfully) discovered. In former times peat was used for domestic heating. That has changed of course and nowadays the area forms part of the Natura 2000 network and the Ramsar Convention for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.

For the old and the young

What else makes the trail a popular excursion destination? Probably the fact that it offers the perfect conditions for hiking with children. And, no matter if you are standing on the Ennssteg Bridge or on a hill in the moor, even grown-ups will have lots of fun at Pürgschachen Moor.


Moorschutzverein Pürgschachen
Nr. 250
8904 Ardning

What the weather will be like

Ardning (664m)

very sunny
12°C 30°C
14°C 30°C
14°C 27°C