Postwirt Großreifling - Impression #1 | © Thomas Sattler

Postwirt Großreifling


Styrian and Croatian specialties made from regional products.

Imagine a dreamy place where time seems to stand still, nestled within the historic walls of the former Posthof, a special kind of culinary journey awaits visitors: the Postwirt restaurant. Famous for its delicious specialties from Styrian cuisine, the restaurant not only offers culinary delights, but also a journey through time.

The Postwirt combines culinary delights with cultural heritage in a unique way. Here you can not only experience the variety of flavors of Styria, but also immerse yourself in a world in which history and the present merge harmoniously. A visit to the Postwirt restaurant is therefore not only a feast for the palate, but also a tribute to the rich history and culture that surrounds the former Posthof building. Translated with (free version)

Seats inside: 40


Postwirt Großreifling
Großreifling 41
8931 Landl

What the weather will be like

Landl (522m)

very sunny
12°C 31°C
14°C 31°C
15°C 28°C