Gesäuse Imkerei Kettner - Impression #1 | © Stefan Leitner

Gesäuse Imkerei Kettner


Who has ever received a real (bee) queen by post? Geri Kettner can count himself among the lucky minority who can claim this.

Nestled in Johnsbach between Donnerwirt and Ödsteinblick, he produces the finest honey directly from nature.

"My honey is pure nature," says Gerald Kettner as he stands next to his beehives in the middle of the tranquil mountaineering village of Johnsbach. Nevertheless, the honey is not organic. But that is a conscious decision on the part of the beekeeper. If you want to produce organic honey in Austria, you need cane sugar from South America and organic wax from Africa, according to Kettner. And that makes no sense to the Johnsburger. "My bees get beet sugar from Austria," he says.

The honey, some of which is also harvested on the Moseralm, tastes unadulterated and good. Kettner also comes up with a few specialities, such as raspberry honey, which is a refinement of his cream honey. "My customers come from all over. Some even come to Johnsbach from Lower Styria," he says, not without a bit of pride.


Imkerei Kettner
Gerald Kettner
Johnsbach 21/2
8912 Admont

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Admont (635m)

very sunny
12°C 30°C
14°C 30°C
15°C 27°C