The Salza River near Palfau offers an impressive alpine backdrop in the immediate vicinity and unforgettable fishing over a length of about 6.5 km. Easily fordable shallow areas alternate with rushing white water and laboriously accessible, deep and wild gorges.
The Palfauer Schlucht section extends over 6.5 km from the confluence of the Mendlingbach on the upper bank and the confluence of the Gamsbach on the lower left bank. The Kaltengraben represents the end of the area to be fished on the right bank. Easily forded shallow areas alternate with rushing white water and deep and wild gorges. Heavily undercut rocks provide shelter for capital salmonids. Water levels below 175 cm are ideal for fishing, but fish can still be caught at 210 cm, but the effort is correspondingly greater. The Salza has not been artificially stocked in this section for years. The natural stock of salmonids has established and expanded magnificently.