Stones, the books of the earth


About the offer

Walk with the stone interpreter

Stones may be mute, but they have stored the knowledge of millions of years. To understand them you have to know their language, then stones tell about wind and weather, about water and waves, about earth and fire, about snow and ice, about plants and animals, about mountains and valleys, just many different stories of our earth!

"Stones are the books of the earth", we learn what they have to tell us.

Meeting Point:

  • 13. Juli 2023 - Forstmuseum Silvanum, Großreifling: CSI Dinosaurier
  • 24. August 2023 - Wasserleitungsmuseum, Wildalpen: Achtung! Abgestürzter Meeresboden

Suitable for

Children from 6 years


simple hike


Clothing adapted to the weather

Meeting point

Will be announced at time of booking.

Date and time

  • 13 July 2023
    24 August 2023
  • Thursday - Starting at 16:00 o'clock

Contact operator

Address of the organizer

Location address
