Burgruine Kammerstein - Impression #1 | © Marktgemeinde Kammern

Burgruine Kammerstein

Kammern im Liesingtal

The adventure trail "Rittersteig" in the Palten Liesingtal leads past the old walls of the ruins Kammerstein and Ruin Ehrenfels, where you can reach the most beautiful places with magnificent views.

Kammerstein Castle (today's castle ruins) was built in the 2nd half of the 13th century. Already before that there was a fortified complex at this place, which was renewed and extended by the Ehrenfelsers. The builders were very skilful and were able to use the limited space for the castle complex. Despite its small size, the entire complex appears relatively spacious. Since there are rocks on all four sides, an auxiliary wall was built on the north side for access.

From the outer bailey, a narrow path led to the four-story gate building. The castle was entered through three gates and reached a steep and narrow courtyard. According to Piper's description of the castle, an oriel was still preserved here around 1900. Afterwards there was the residential building and towards the south there were several terraces in front of the castle.


Marktgemeinde Kammern
Hauptstraße 56
8773 Kammern im Liesingtal

What the weather will be like

Kammern im Liesingtal (671m)

very sunny
13°C 29°C
15°C 31°C
slightly cloudy
15°C 29°C