ListController :: listAction

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0 of 0
Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Controller\ListController {#2835 #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#2823 …} #elementsCustomDateFormat: Elements\Bundle\CmsToolsBundle\Tool\Helper\ElementsCustomDateFormat {#1193 …} #configuration: Elements\Demi\Frontend\Service\Configuration {#168 …} #testIp: "" #enabledFeatures: [ "affiliate" => true "allowRating" => true "accommodationListTiles" => true "availabilityCalenderRooms" => true "additionalServices" => true "destinationPackages" => true "organisationOffers" => true "dummyTickets" => false "zipValidation" => false "freeCancellationInList" => false "useAllowTicketing" => false "merchandiseShop" => [ "enabled" => false "additionalServiceTypeFid" => null ] ] #searchParams: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\SearchFrontend {#1186 …} #vacancyLocal: Elements\Demi\Accommodation\Search\Listing\VacancyLocal {#2834 …} #bubbleCalculator: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\BubbleCalculator {#2833 …} #bubbleCalculatorCorridor: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\BubbleCalculatorCorridor {#2832 …} #bubbleCalculatorHousePackages: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\BubbleCalculatorHousePackages {#2831 …} #robots: Elements\Bundle\SeoHelperBundle\Templating\Helper\Robots {#2247 …} #corridor: Elements\Demi\Accommodation\Search\Listing\VacancyLocal {#2830 …} #sortFactoryNearbySearch: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\SortFactoryNearbySearch {#2472 …} #sortFactoryHelper: App\Demi\SortFactory {#2827 …} #desklineLive: Elements\Demi\Deskline\Accommodation\Search\Service\Vacancies\Live {#2826 …} #demiUrl: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\DemiUrl {#159 …} #translator: Pimcore\Translation\Translator {#310 …} #demiAccommodationResultSetHelper: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\AccommodationResultSet {#2425 …} #demiStateHelper: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\DemiStateHelper {#2466 …} #pimcoreUrl: Pimcore\Twig\Extension\Templating\PimcoreUrl {#164 …} #paginatorHelper: Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Service\PaginatorHelper {#1146 …} #parameterBag: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag {#224 …} }
0 of 0
[ "_locale" => "en" ]
0 of 0
Pimcore\Model\Site {#2600 #dao: null #id: 6 #domains: [ "" "" "" ] #rootId: 1430 #rootDocument: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#2599 …} #rootPath: null #mainDomain: "" #errorDocument: "/" #localizedErrorDocuments: [ "de" => "" "en" => "" "hu" => "" "cs" => "" "pl" => "" "nl" => "" "it" => "" "sk" => "" ] #redirectToMainDomain: false #creationDate: 1617285660 #modificationDate: 1727854189 +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "site_domain_318484d872330ed624d72c281184a2b0" id: 6 domains: [ "" "" "" ] rootId: 1430 rootDocument: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#2599 …} rootPath: null mainDomain: "" errorDocument: "/" localizedErrorDocuments: [ "de" => "" "en" => "" "hu" => "" "cs" => "" "pl" => "" "nl" => "" "it" => "" "sk" => "" ] redirectToMainDomain: false creationDate: 1617285660 modificationDate: 1727854189 }
0 of 0
Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page\Dao {#4270 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1652865067 #path: "/" #properties: [ "cx" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2923 #dao: null #name: "cx" #data: "001944844410551811076:7sddlyl3c9o" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "cx" data: "001944844410551811076:7sddlyl3c9o" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "demi_config" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#3026 #dao: null #name: "demi_config" #data: "5882755" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "demi_config" data: "5882755" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#3027 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "en" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "language" data: "en" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "region" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2927 #dao: null #name: "region" #data: "326444" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "region" data: "326444" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_noindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2918 #dao: null #name: "seo_noindex" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_noindex" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "siteConfig" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2919 #dao: null #name: "siteConfig" #data: "326454" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "siteConfig" data: "326454" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "blogPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2914 #dao: null #name: "blogPortal" #data: null #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "blogPortal" data: null type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_description_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2915 #dao: null #name: "seo_description_characters_length" #data: "160" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_description_characters_length" data: "160" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_separator" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2917 #dao: null #name: "seo_separator" #data: "|" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_separator" data: "|" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_suffix" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#3016 #dao: null #name: "seo_suffix" #data: "Schladming-Dachstein" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_suffix" data: "Schladming-Dachstein" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_title_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2913 #dao: null #name: "seo_title_characters_length" #data: "65" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_title_characters_length" data: "65" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "cseSite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2911 #dao: null #name: "cseSite" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "cseSite" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "disableAdditionalServicesNavButton" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2910 #dao: null #name: "disableAdditionalServicesNavButton" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "disableAdditionalServicesNavButton" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2909 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "7924" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "footer" data: "7924" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "languageRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2908 #dao: null #name: "languageRoot" #data: "7882" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "languageRoot" data: "7882" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "navigationRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2907 #dao: null #name: "navigationRoot" #data: "7882" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "navigationRoot" data: "7882" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "regionOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2906 #dao: null #name: "regionOverlay" #data: "9066" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "regionOverlay" data: "9066" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "searchOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2905 #dao: null #name: "searchOverlay" #data: "8958" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "searchOverlay" data: "8958" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "standortPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2904 #dao: null #name: "standortPortal" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "standortPortal" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: true inherited: true } "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2903 #dao: null #name: "navigation_accesskey" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_accesskey" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2902 #dao: null #name: "navigation_anchor" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_anchor" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2901 #dao: null #name: "navigation_class" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_class" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2900 #dao: null #name: "navigation_exclude" #data: false #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_exclude" data: false type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2899 #dao: null #name: "navigation_name" #data: "Accommodations" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_name" data: "Accommodations" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2898 #dao: null #name: "navigation_parameters" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_parameters" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2897 #dao: null #name: "navigation_relation" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_relation" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2896 #dao: null #name: "navigation_tabindex" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_tabindex" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2895 #dao: null #name: "navigation_target" #data: null #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_target" data: null type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2894 #dao: null #name: "navigation_title" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_title" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } ] #id: 7930 #creationDate: 1630503071 #modificationDate: 1652865067 #versionCount: 16 #userOwner: 6 #locked: "self" #userModification: 17 #parentId: 7890 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: "/en/Schladming-Dachstein/Vacation-planning/Accommodations" #type: "page" #key: "Accommodations" #index: 4 #published: true #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #controller: "Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Controller\ListController::listAction" #template: null #editables: [ "demi-footer-block" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#4274 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #name: "demi-footer-block" #realName: "demi-footer-block" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [] #current: 0 config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] name: "demi-footer-block" realName: "demi-footer-block" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null indices: [] current: 0 } "demi-footer-headline" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4272 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "demi-footer-headline" #realName: "demi-footer-headline" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "DO YOU NEED HELP?" config: [] name: "demi-footer-headline" realName: "demi-footer-headline" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "DO YOU NEED HELP?" } "demi-footer-mail" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4275 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "demi-footer-mail" #realName: "demi-footer-mail" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" config: [] name: "demi-footer-mail" realName: "demi-footer-mail" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "" } "demi-footer-phone" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4268 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "demi-footer-phone" #realName: "demi-footer-phone" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "+43 3687 23 310" config: [] name: "demi-footer-phone" realName: "demi-footer-phone" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "+43 3687 23 310" } "demi-footer-small-wysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4266 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "demi-footer-small-wysiwyg" #realName: "demi-footer-small-wysiwyg" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "<p>If you have any questions about <strong><u>accommodation</u></strong>, please contact the company directly. You can find the contact details under <strong><u>Contact &amp; arrival</u></strong> on the details page of the accommodation.</p>\n" config: [] name: "demi-footer-small-wysiwyg" realName: "demi-footer-small-wysiwyg" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "<p>If you have any questions about <strong><u>accommodation</u></strong>, please contact the company directly. You can find the contact details under <strong><u>Contact &amp; arrival</u></strong> on the details page of the accommodation.</p>\n" } "demi-footer-wysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4261 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "demi-footer-wysiwyg" #realName: "demi-footer-wysiwyg" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "<p>The Schladming-Dachstein team will be happy to provide you with information about your vacation!</p>\n" config: [] name: "demi-footer-wysiwyg" realName: "demi-footer-wysiwyg" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "<p>The Schladming-Dachstein team will be happy to provide you with information about your vacation!</p>\n" } "description" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4262 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "description" #realName: "description" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "<p><a name="_Hlk81735668">Schladming-Dachstein is a place that meets all your needs. Accommodations are available in all categories and price brackets. From farmhouses with petting zoos, to comfy guesthouses, rustic chalets and wellness and seminar hotels – here, everything is possible. Find the perfect offer for every budget with an added feel-good guarantee!</a></p>\n" config: [] name: "description" realName: "description" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "<p><a name="_Hlk81735668">Schladming-Dachstein is a place that meets all your needs. Accommodations are available in all categories and price brackets. From farmhouses with petting zoos, to comfy guesthouses, rustic chalets and wellness and seminar hotels – here, everything is possible. Find the perfect offer for every budget with an added feel-good guarantee!</a></p>\n" } "filterSnippet" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Relation {#4263 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "filterSnippet" #realName: "filterSnippet" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 16088 #type: "document" #subtype: "snippet" #element: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4260 …} config: [] name: "filterSnippet" realName: "filterSnippet" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null id: 16088 type: "document" subtype: "snippet" element: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#4260 …} } "headline" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4244 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "headline" #realName: "headline" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "Our accommodations are there for you." config: [] name: "headline" realName: "headline" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "Our accommodations are there for you." } ] #versions: null #contentMainDocumentId: &41 7159 #contentMasterDocumentId: &41 7159 #supportsContentMain: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [ "useBookOnly" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#4545 #dao: null #config: null #name: "useBookOnly" #realName: null -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7159 #document: null #editmode: null #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #value: false config: null name: "useBookOnly" realName: null documentId: 7159 document: null editmode: null inherited: true inDialogBox: null value: false } "searchOnlyFreeBookable" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#4549 #dao: null #config: null #name: "searchOnlyFreeBookable" #realName: null -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7159 #document: null #editmode: null #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #value: false config: null name: "searchOnlyFreeBookable" realName: null documentId: 7159 document: null editmode: null inherited: true inDialogBox: null value: false } "predefinedFilters" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Relations {#4551 #dao: null #config: null #name: "predefinedFilters" #realName: null -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7159 #document: null #editmode: null #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #elements: [ Pimcore\Model\DataObject\DemiFilterObject {#4553 #dao: null #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1629275354 #path: &46 "/deskline/filterobjects/regions/" #properties: &47 null #id: &48 327006 #creationDate: &49 1602506669 #modificationDate: &50 1629275354 #versionCount: &51 7 #userOwner: &52 6 #locked: &53 null #userModification: &54 17 #parentId: &55 326999 #parent: &56 null #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #o_id: &48 327006 #o_parentId: &55 326999 #o_parent: &56 null #o_type: "object" #o_key: "Schladming-Dachstein" #o_path: &46 "/deskline/filterobjects/regions/" #o_index: 0 #o_creationDate: &49 1602506669 #o_modificationDate: &50 1629275354 #o_userOwner: &52 6 #o_userModification: &54 17 #o_hasChildren: [] #o_siblings: [] #o_hasSiblings: [] #o_children: [] #o_locked: &53 null #o_childrenSortBy: null #o_childrenSortOrder: null #o_versionCount: &51 7 #o_properties: &47 null #__rawRelationData: [ [ "id" => 49 "src_id" => 327006 "dest_id" => 11189 "type" => "object" "fieldname" => "filterElements" "index" => 1 "ownertype" => "object" "ownername" => "" "position" => "0" ] [ "id" => 50 "src_id" => 327006 "dest_id" => 11408 "type" => "object" "fieldname" => "filterElements" 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"/deskline/filterobjects/regions/Schladming-Dachstein" "type" => "object" "subtype" => "demiFilterObject" "rowId" => "DocumentsMultihrefEntry-1" ] ] } "predefinedFiltersMarketingGroupAnd" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#4619 #dao: null #config: null #name: "predefinedFiltersMarketingGroupAnd" #realName: null -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7159 #document: null #editmode: null #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #value: false config: null name: "predefinedFiltersMarketingGroupAnd" realName: null documentId: 7159 document: null editmode: null inherited: true inDialogBox: null value: false } "predefinedFiltersHolidayThemeAnd" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#4605 #dao: null #config: null #name: "predefinedFiltersHolidayThemeAnd" #realName: null -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7159 #document: null #editmode: null #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #value: false config: null name: "predefinedFiltersHolidayThemeAnd" realName: null documentId: 7159 document: null editmode: null inherited: true inDialogBox: null value: false } "hideMapInitially" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12430 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "hideMapInitially" #realName: "hideMapInitially" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #value: false config: [] name: "hideMapInitially" realName: "hideMapInitially" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: true inDialogBox: null value: false } "noMapAllowed" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12849 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "noMapAllowed" #realName: "noMapAllowed" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #value: false config: [] name: "noMapAllowed" realName: "noMapAllowed" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: true inDialogBox: null value: false } "showMapToggle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12884 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "showMapToggle" #realName: "showMapToggle" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #value: true config: [] name: "showMapToggle" realName: "showMapToggle" documentId: 7930 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} editmode: false inherited: true inDialogBox: null value: true } "useListTiles" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12885 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "useListTiles" #realName: "useListTiles" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: true #inDialogBox: null 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Discover now!" #metaData: [] #prettyUrl: null #targetGroupIds: "" +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_7930" dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1652865067 path: "/" properties: [ "cx" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2923 } "demi_config" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#3026 } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#3027 } "region" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2927 } "seo_noindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2918 } "siteConfig" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2919 } "blogPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2914 } "seo_description_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2915 } "seo_separator" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2917 } "seo_suffix" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#3016 } "seo_title_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2913 } "cseSite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2911 } "disableAdditionalServicesNavButton" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2910 } "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2909 } "languageRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2908 } "navigationRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2907 } "regionOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2906 } "searchOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2905 } "standortPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2904 } "navigation_accesskey" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2903 } "navigation_anchor" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2902 } "navigation_class" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2901 } "navigation_exclude" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2900 } "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2899 } "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2898 } "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2897 } "navigation_tabindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2896 } "navigation_target" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2895 } "navigation_title" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2894 } ] id: 7930 creationDate: 1630503071 modificationDate: 1652865067 versionCount: 16 userOwner: 6 locked: "self" userModification: 17 parentId: 7890 parent: null _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null fullPathCache: "/en/Schladming-Dachstein/Vacation-planning/Accommodations" type: "page" key: "Accommodations" index: 4 published: true children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] controller: "Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Controller\ListController::listAction" template: null editables: [ "demi-footer-block" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#4274 } "demi-footer-headline" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4272 } "demi-footer-mail" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4275 } "demi-footer-phone" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4268 } "demi-footer-small-wysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4266 } "demi-footer-wysiwyg" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4261 } "description" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Wysiwyg {#4262 } "filterSnippet" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Relation {#4263 } "headline" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#4244 } ] versions: null contentMainDocumentId: 7159 contentMasterDocumentId: 7159 supportsContentMain: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [ "useBookOnly" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#4545 } "searchOnlyFreeBookable" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#4549 } "predefinedFilters" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Relations {#4551 } "predefinedFiltersMarketingGroupAnd" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#4619 } "predefinedFiltersHolidayThemeAnd" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#4605 } "hideMapInitially" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12430 } "noMapAllowed" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12849 } "showMapToggle" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12884 } "useListTiles" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12885 } "autoOpenModal" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Checkbox {#12890 } "demi-footer-black-list-input" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#20147 } ] scheduledTasks: null title: "Accommodations | Schladming-Dachstein" description: "Schladming-Dachstein is a place that meets all your needs. Accommodations are available in all categories and price brackets. Discover now!" metaData: [] prettyUrl: null targetGroupIds: "" }
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"document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_name" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2899 #dao: null #name: "navigation_name" #data: "Accommodations" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_name" data: "Accommodations" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_parameters" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2898 #dao: null #name: "navigation_parameters" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_parameters" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } "navigation_relation" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#2897 #dao: null #name: "navigation_relation" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 7930 #inheritable: false #inherited: false name: "navigation_relation" data: "" type: "text" 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null cid: 7930 inheritable: false inherited: false } ] #id: 7930 #creationDate: 1630503071 #modificationDate: 1652865067 #versionCount: 16 #userOwner: 6 #locked: "self" #userModification: 17 #parentId: 7890 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: "/en/Schladming-Dachstein/Vacation-planning/Accommodations" #type: "page" #key: "Accommodations" #index: 4 #published: true #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #controller: "Elements\Bundle\DemiFrontendBundle\Controller\ListController::listAction" #template: null #editables: [ "demi-footer-block" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Block {#4274 #dao: null #config: [ "limit" => 1000000 ] #name: "demi-footer-block" #realName: "demi-footer-block" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 7930 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Page {#3036} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #indices: [] #current: 0 config: [ "limit" => 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