DefaultController :: defaultAction

  • Request
  • Response
  • Cookies
  • Session 7
  • Flashes
  • Server Parameters

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Key Value
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App\Controller\DefaultController {#6414 #container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#6415 …} }
0 of 0
Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template {#6474 #template: "Snippets/footer.html.twig" -vars: [] -streamable: false -owner: [] }
0 of 0
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#28255 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1711113424 #path: "/ planen/" #properties: [ "cx" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27934 #dao: null #name: "cx" #data: "001944844410551811076:7sddlyl3c9o" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "cx" data: "001944844410551811076:7sddlyl3c9o" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "demi_config" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27935 #dao: null #name: "demi_config" #data: "6804" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "demi_config" data: "6804" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27936 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "de" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "language" data: "de" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "region" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27937 #dao: null #name: "region" #data: "324083" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "region" data: "324083" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_noindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27938 #dao: null #name: "seo_noindex" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_noindex" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "siteConfig" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27939 #dao: null #name: "siteConfig" #data: "5668" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "siteConfig" data: "5668" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "blogPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27940 #dao: null #name: "blogPortal" #data: "3994103" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "blogPortal" data: "3994103" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_description_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27941 #dao: null #name: "seo_description_characters_length" #data: "160" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_description_characters_length" data: "160" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_separator" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27942 #dao: null #name: "seo_separator" #data: "|" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_separator" data: "|" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_suffix" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27943 #dao: null #name: "seo_suffix" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_suffix" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_title_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27944 #dao: null #name: "seo_title_characters_length" #data: "65" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_title_characters_length" data: "65" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "cseSite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27945 #dao: null #name: "cseSite" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "cseSite" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27946 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "footer" data: "5" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "languageRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27947 #dao: null #name: "languageRoot" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "languageRoot" data: "2" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "navigationRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27948 #dao: null #name: "navigationRoot" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "navigationRoot" data: "2" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "regionOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27949 #dao: null #name: "regionOverlay" #data: "48" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "regionOverlay" data: "48" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "searchOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27950 #dao: null #name: "searchOverlay" #data: "49" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "searchOverlay" data: "49" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "standortPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27951 #dao: null #name: "standortPortal" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "standortPortal" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "voucher" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27952 #dao: null #name: "voucher" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "voucher" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "sitemaps_exclude_children" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27953 #dao: null #name: "sitemaps_exclude_children" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "sitemaps_exclude_children" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #id: 11 #creationDate: 1599821635 #modificationDate: 1711113424 #versionCount: 19 #userOwner: 6 #locked: null #userModification: 110 #parentId: 1976 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: null #type: "snippet" #key: "Gästekarten" #index: 9 #published: true #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "Snippets/img-teaser.html.twig" #editables: [ "badgeText" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#28261 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "badgeText" #realName: "badgeText" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 11 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" config: [] name: "badgeText" realName: "badgeText" documentId: 11 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "" } "image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#28259 #dao: null #config: [ "thumbnail" => "img-teaser" "imgAttributes" => [ "class" => "js-lazy-img embed-responsive-item teaser-animation__img" ] "lowQualityPlaceholder" => true ] #name: "image" #realName: "image" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 11 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 226618 #alt: "" #image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#28264 …} #cropPercent: null #cropWidth: null #cropHeight: null #cropTop: null #cropLeft: null #hotspots: [] #marker: [] #thumbnail: null config: [ "thumbnail" => "img-teaser" "imgAttributes" => [ "class" => "js-lazy-img embed-responsive-item teaser-animation__img" ] "lowQualityPlaceholder" => true ] name: "image" realName: "image" documentId: 11 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null id: 226618 alt: "" image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#28264 …} cropPercent: null cropWidth: null cropHeight: null cropTop: null cropLeft: null hotspots: [] marker: [] thumbnail: null } "link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#28262 #dao: null #config: [ "class" => "stretch-link__link" "title" => "Prunkstiegenhaus im Museum im Palais | © Universalmuseum Joanneum | Nicolas Lackner" ] #name: "link" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 11 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Gästekarten" "path" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Gaestekarten" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "Gästekarten" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 198 ] config: [ "class" => "stretch-link__link" "title" => "Prunkstiegenhaus im Museum im Palais | © Universalmuseum Joanneum | Nicolas Lackner" ] name: "link" realName: "link" documentId: 11 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null data: [ "internalType" => "document" "linktype" => "internal" "text" => "Gästekarten" "path" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Gaestekarten" "target" => "_blank" "parameters" => "" "anchor" => "" "title" => "Gästekarten" "accesskey" => "" "rel" => "" "tabindex" => "" "class" => "" "attributes" => "" "internal" => true "internalId" => 198 ] } ] #versions: null #contentMainDocumentId: &26 null #contentMasterDocumentId: &26 null #supportsContentMain: true #missingRequiredEditable: null #staticGeneratorEnabled: null #staticGeneratorLifetime: null #inheritedEditables: [] #scheduledTasks: null -useTargetGroup: null +"____pimcore_cache_item__": "document_11" dependencies: null __dataVersionTimestamp: 1711113424 path: "/ planen/" properties: [ "cx" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27934 } "demi_config" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27935 } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27936 } "region" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27937 } "seo_noindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27938 } "siteConfig" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27939 } "blogPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27940 } "seo_description_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27941 } "seo_separator" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27942 } "seo_suffix" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27943 } "seo_title_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27944 } "cseSite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27945 } "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27946 } "languageRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27947 } "navigationRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27948 } "regionOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27949 } "searchOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27950 } "standortPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27951 } "voucher" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27952 } "sitemaps_exclude_children" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27953 } ] id: 11 creationDate: 1599821635 modificationDate: 1711113424 versionCount: 19 userOwner: 6 locked: null userModification: 110 parentId: 1976 parent: null _fulldump: false o_dirtyFields: null fullPathCache: null type: "snippet" key: "Gästekarten" index: 9 published: true children: [] hasChildren: [] siblings: [] hasSiblings: [] controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" template: "Snippets/img-teaser.html.twig" editables: [ "badgeText" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#28261 } "image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#28259 } "link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#28262 } ] versions: null contentMainDocumentId: null contentMasterDocumentId: null supportsContentMain: true missingRequiredEditable: null staticGeneratorEnabled: null staticGeneratorLifetime: null inheritedEditables: [] scheduledTasks: null }
0 of 0
Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599 #dao: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet\Dao {#28255 …} #dependencies: null #__dataVersionTimestamp: 1711113424 #path: "/ planen/" #properties: [ "cx" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27934 #dao: null #name: "cx" #data: "001944844410551811076:7sddlyl3c9o" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "cx" data: "001944844410551811076:7sddlyl3c9o" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "demi_config" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27935 #dao: null #name: "demi_config" #data: "6804" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "demi_config" data: "6804" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "language" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27936 #dao: null #name: "language" #data: "de" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "language" data: "de" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "region" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27937 #dao: null #name: "region" #data: "324083" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "region" data: "324083" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_noindex" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27938 #dao: null #name: "seo_noindex" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_noindex" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "siteConfig" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27939 #dao: null #name: "siteConfig" #data: "5668" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "siteConfig" data: "5668" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "blogPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27940 #dao: null #name: "blogPortal" #data: "3994103" #type: "object" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "blogPortal" data: "3994103" type: "object" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_description_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27941 #dao: null #name: "seo_description_characters_length" #data: "160" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_description_characters_length" data: "160" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_separator" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27942 #dao: null #name: "seo_separator" #data: "|" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_separator" data: "|" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_suffix" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27943 #dao: null #name: "seo_suffix" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_suffix" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "seo_title_characters_length" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27944 #dao: null #name: "seo_title_characters_length" #data: "65" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "seo_title_characters_length" data: "65" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "cseSite" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27945 #dao: null #name: "cseSite" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "cseSite" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "footer" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27946 #dao: null #name: "footer" #data: "5" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "footer" data: "5" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "languageRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27947 #dao: null #name: "languageRoot" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "languageRoot" data: "2" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "navigationRoot" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27948 #dao: null #name: "navigationRoot" #data: "2" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "navigationRoot" data: "2" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "regionOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27949 #dao: null #name: "regionOverlay" #data: "48" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "regionOverlay" data: "48" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "searchOverlay" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27950 #dao: null #name: "searchOverlay" #data: "49" #type: "document" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "searchOverlay" data: "49" type: "document" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "standortPortal" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27951 #dao: null #name: "standortPortal" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "standortPortal" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "voucher" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27952 #dao: null #name: "voucher" #data: "" #type: "text" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "voucher" data: "" type: "text" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } "sitemaps_exclude_children" => Pimcore\Model\Property {#27953 #dao: null #name: "sitemaps_exclude_children" #data: true #type: "bool" #ctype: "document" #cpath: null #cid: 11 #inheritable: true #inherited: true name: "sitemaps_exclude_children" data: true type: "bool" ctype: "document" cpath: null cid: 11 inheritable: true inherited: true } ] #id: 11 #creationDate: 1599821635 #modificationDate: 1711113424 #versionCount: 19 #userOwner: 6 #locked: null #userModification: 110 #parentId: 1976 #parent: null #_fulldump: false #o_dirtyFields: null -activeDispatchingEvents: [] #fullPathCache: null #type: "snippet" #key: "Gästekarten" #index: 9 #published: true #children: [] #hasChildren: [] #siblings: [] #hasSiblings: [] #controller: "App\Controller\DefaultController::defaultAction" #template: "Snippets/img-teaser.html.twig" #editables: [ "badgeText" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Input {#28261 #dao: null #config: [] #name: "badgeText" #realName: "badgeText" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 11 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #text: "" config: [] name: "badgeText" realName: "badgeText" documentId: 11 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null text: "" } "image" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Image {#28259 #dao: null #config: [ "thumbnail" => "img-teaser" "imgAttributes" => [ "class" => "js-lazy-img embed-responsive-item teaser-animation__img" ] "lowQualityPlaceholder" => true ] #name: "image" #realName: "image" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 11 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} #editmode: false #inherited: false #inDialogBox: null -editableDefinitionCollector: null #id: 226618 #alt: "" #image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#28264 …} #cropPercent: null #cropWidth: null #cropHeight: null #cropTop: null #cropLeft: null #hotspots: [] #marker: [] #thumbnail: null config: [ "thumbnail" => "img-teaser" "imgAttributes" => [ "class" => "js-lazy-img embed-responsive-item teaser-animation__img" ] "lowQualityPlaceholder" => true ] name: "image" realName: "image" documentId: 11 document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} editmode: false inherited: false inDialogBox: null id: 226618 alt: "" image: Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image {#28264 …} cropPercent: null cropWidth: null cropHeight: null cropTop: null cropLeft: null hotspots: [] marker: [] thumbnail: null } "link" => Pimcore\Model\Document\Editable\Link {#28262 #dao: null #config: [ "class" => "stretch-link__link" "title" => "Prunkstiegenhaus im Museum im Palais | © Universalmuseum Joanneum | Nicolas Lackner" ] #name: "link" #realName: "link" -parentBlockNames: [] #documentId: 11 #document: Pimcore\Model\Document\Snippet {#27599} #editmode: false #inherited: false 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