Query Metrics

160 Database Queries
27 Different statements
561.49 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

default connection

# Time Info
1 0.39 ms
            FROM website_settings
            WHERE name = ?
                AND (
                    siteId IS NULL
                    OR siteId = 0
                    OR siteId = ?
                AND (
                    language IS NULL
                    OR language = ''
                    OR language = ?
            ORDER BY CONCAT(siteId, language) DESC, siteId DESC, language DESC
2 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM website_settings WHERE id = ?
3 0.27 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
4 0.32 ms
            FROM website_settings
            WHERE name = ?
                AND (
                    siteId IS NULL
                    OR siteId = 0
                    OR siteId = ?
                AND (
                    language IS NULL
                    OR language = ''
                    OR language = ?
            ORDER BY CONCAT(siteId, language) DESC, siteId DESC, language DESC
5 0.10 ms
SELECT * FROM website_settings WHERE id = ?
6 0.10 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
7 0.67 ms
                (source = :sourcePath AND (`type` = :typePath OR `type` = :typeAuto)) OR
                (source = :sourcePathQuery AND `type` = :typePathQuery) OR
                (source = :sourceEntireUri AND `type` = :typeEntireUri)
            ) AND active = 1 AND regex IS NULL AND (expiry > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR expiry IS NULL) AND sourceSite = '6' AND priority = 99 ORDER BY `priority` DESC
  "sourcePath" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien"
  "sourcePathQuery" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien?page=68"
  "sourceEntireUri" => "https://stage.steiermark.com/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien?page=68"
  "typePath" => "path"
  "typePathQuery" => "path_query"
  "typeEntireUri" => "entire_uri"
  "typeAuto" => "auto_create"
8 0.15 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "reports"
  "scope" => "pimcore"
9 0.16 ms
SELECT id FROM documents WHERE path = BINARY :path AND `key` = BINARY :key
  "key" => "Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien"
  "path" => "/steiermark.com/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/"
10 0.22 ms
SELECT * FROM object_url_slugs WHERE slug = '/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien' AND (siteId = 6 OR siteId = 0) ORDER BY siteId DESC LIMIT 1
11 0.15 ms
SELECT id FROM targeting_target_groups UNION SELECT id FROM targeting_rules LIMIT 1
12 0.17 ms
SELECT * FROM translations_messages LIMIT 1;
13 0.17 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
14 0.26 ms
SELECT * FROM documents_editables WHERE documentId = ?
15 0.12 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
16 0.25 ms
SELECT id FROM sites
17 0.18 ms
SELECT sourceId FROM documents_translations WHERE id = ?
18 0.21 ms
SELECT id,language FROM documents_translations WHERE sourceId IN(?, ?) UNION SELECT sourceId as id,"source" FROM documents_translations WHERE id = ?
19 0.16 ms
SELECT id,language FROM documents_translations WHERE sourceId = ? UNION SELECT sourceId as id,"source" FROM documents_translations WHERE id = ?
20 0.21 ms
SELECT id FROM documents WHERE path = BINARY :path AND `key` = BINARY :key
  "key" => "Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien"
  "path" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/"
21 0.11 ms
SELECT id FROM documents_page WHERE prettyUrl = :prettyUrl
  "prettyUrl" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien"
22 0.09 ms
SELECT id FROM documents WHERE path = BINARY :path AND `key` = BINARY :key
  "key" => "Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien"
  "path" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/"
23 0.09 ms
SELECT id FROM documents_page WHERE prettyUrl = :prettyUrl
  "prettyUrl" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien"
24 0.18 ms
SELECT documents.id FROM documents
            LEFT JOIN documents_page ON documents.id = documents_page.id
            WHERE documents.path LIKE ? AND documents_page.prettyUrl = ?
25 0.10 ms
SELECT id FROM documents WHERE path = BINARY :path AND `key` = BINARY :key
  "key" => "Familienurlaub"
  "path" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/"
26 0.09 ms
SELECT id FROM documents_page WHERE prettyUrl = :prettyUrl
  "prettyUrl" => "/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub"
27 0.15 ms
SELECT documents.id FROM documents
            LEFT JOIN documents_page ON documents.id = documents_page.id
            WHERE documents.path LIKE ? AND documents_page.prettyUrl = ?
28 0.09 ms
SELECT id FROM documents WHERE path = BINARY :path AND `key` = BINARY :key
  "key" => "Urlaub-planen"
  "path" => "/de/"
29 0.09 ms
SELECT id FROM documents_page WHERE prettyUrl = :prettyUrl
  "prettyUrl" => "/de/Urlaub-planen"
30 0.14 ms
SELECT documents.id FROM documents
            LEFT JOIN documents_page ON documents.id = documents_page.id
            WHERE documents.path LIKE ? AND documents_page.prettyUrl = ?
31 0.09 ms
SELECT id FROM documents WHERE path = BINARY :path AND `key` = BINARY :key
  "key" => "de"
  "path" => "/"
32 0.09 ms
SELECT id FROM documents_page WHERE prettyUrl = :prettyUrl
  "prettyUrl" => "/de"
33 0.14 ms
SELECT documents.id FROM documents
            LEFT JOIN documents_page ON documents.id = documents_page.id
            WHERE documents.path LIKE ? AND documents_page.prettyUrl = ?
34 0.15 ms
SELECT documents.id FROM documents
            LEFT JOIN documents_page ON documents.id = documents_page.id
            WHERE documents.path LIKE ? AND documents_page.prettyUrl = ?
35 0.10 ms
SELECT id FROM documents WHERE path = BINARY :path AND `key` = BINARY :key
  "key" => ""
  "path" => "/"
36 0.13 ms
SELECT * FROM object_url_slugs WHERE slug = '/de/Urlaub-planen/Familienurlaub/Ausflugsziele-fuer-Familien' AND siteId = 0 ORDER BY siteId DESC LIMIT 1
37 0.10 ms
SELECT id FROM settings_store WHERE scope = ?
38 0.10 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "1"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
39 0.08 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "2"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
40 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "3"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
41 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "4"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
42 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "5"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
43 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "6"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
44 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "7"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
45 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "8"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
46 0.08 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "9"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
47 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "10"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
48 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "11"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
49 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "12"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
50 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "13"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
51 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "15"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
52 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "16"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
53 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "17"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
54 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "18"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
55 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "19"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
56 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "20"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
57 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "21"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
58 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "22"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
59 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "23"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
60 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "24"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
61 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "25"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
62 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "26"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
63 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "27"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
64 0.07 ms
SELECT * FROM settings_store WHERE id = :id AND scope = :scope
  "id" => "28"
  "scope" => "pimcore_staticroutes"
65 0.12 ms
SELECT id FROM sites
66 0.22 ms
SELECT * FROM assets_image_thumbnail_cache WHERE cid = :cid
  "cid" => 3189171
67 0.11 ms
SELECT id FROM sites
68 0.11 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
69 0.26 ms
SELECT id FROM sites
70 0.23 ms
SELECT * FROM assets_image_thumbnail_cache WHERE cid = :cid
  "cid" => 250539
71 0.32 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
72 0.17 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
73 0.10 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
74 1.09 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,12452%"
75 0.76 ms
SELECT object_localized_Region_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_Region_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1 LIMIT 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,12452%"
76 0.91 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,12452%"
77 0.73 ms
SELECT object_localized_Region_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_Region_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1 LIMIT 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,12452%"
78 0.86 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,12089%"
79 0.75 ms
SELECT object_localized_Region_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_Region_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1 LIMIT 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,12089%"
80 118.69 ms
SELECT object_localized_39_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_39_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_39_de WHERE (o_id in (select dest_id from object_relations_45 where fieldname LIKE 'holidayThemes') AND  object_localized_39_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_39_de.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `name` ASC
81 0.18 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
82 0.28 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
83 0.14 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
84 0.09 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
85 0.29 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
86 0.19 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
87 0.14 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
88 0.26 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
89 0.30 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
90 0.40 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
91 0.16 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
92 0.15 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
93 0.17 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
94 0.29 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
95 0.28 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
96 0.12 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
97 0.24 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
98 0.26 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
99 2.63 ms
SELECT object_localized_72_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_72_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_72_de WHERE ((region__id in (11462,11512,11550,11552,11546,11938,11563,11553,11561,11562,11540,11551,11554,3896604,11548,11547,11545,11543,11549,11420,11467,1683716,11507,11893,29785441,11886,12089,11189,11408,6938,12452,11462,11512,11420,11467,1683716,11507,11893,11886,12089,11408,11189,6938,12452,29785441) OR o_id in (11462,11512,11550,11552,11546,11938,11563,11553,11561,11562,11540,11551,11554,3896604,11548,11547,11545,11543,11549,11420,11467,1683716,11507,11893,29785441,11886,12089,11189,11408,6938,12452,11462,11512,11420,11467,1683716,11507,11893,11886,12089,11408,11189,6938,12452,29785441))  AND  object_localized_72_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_72_de.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `name`
100 0.14 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
101 0.10 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
102 0.10 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
103 0.09 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
104 0.09 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
105 0.09 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
106 0.09 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
107 0.09 ms
SELECT objects.o_id as o_id, objects.o_type as o_type FROM objects WHERE (o_parentId = ? AND  objects.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND objects.o_published = 1 ORDER BY `o_key` ASC
108 198.23 ms
SELECT object_localized_45_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_45_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_45_de WHERE (((FIND_IN_SET("11465", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11466", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11464", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11463", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("1612603", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11550", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11552", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11546", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11938", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11563", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11553", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11561", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11562", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11540", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11554", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11551", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("3896604", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11548", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11547", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11545", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11543", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11549", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11550", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11552", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11546", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11938", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11563", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11553", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11561", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11562", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11540", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11551", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11554", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("3896604", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11548", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11547", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11545", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11543", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11549", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11431", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11422", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11423", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11541", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11430", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("3192505", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("3192507", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("3192504", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("3192506", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11426", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("3192508", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11434", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11848", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11504", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11474", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11849", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11470", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11493", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11499", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11492", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11841", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11487", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11501", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11475", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11495", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11494", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11496", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11482", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11846", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11484", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11847", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11506", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11479", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11837", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11478", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11839", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11505", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11489", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11842", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11845", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11836", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11476", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11503", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11471", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11483", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11850", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11498", `towns`) OR 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109 197.50 ms
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OR FIND_IN_SET("11492", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11841", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11487", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11501", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11475", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11495", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11494", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11496", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11482", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11846", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11484", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11847", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11506", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11479", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11837", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11478", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11839", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11505", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11489", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11842", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11845", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11836", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11476", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11503", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11471", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11483", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11850", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11498", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11481", `towns`) OR FIND_IN_SET("11497", `towns`) OR 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SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
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134 0.14 ms
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  "cid" => 2901176
145 1.39 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,11507%"
146 0.83 ms
SELECT object_localized_Region_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_Region_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1 LIMIT 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,11507%"
147 0.30 ms
SELECT * FROM assets_image_thumbnail_cache WHERE cid = :cid
  "cid" => 1430095
148 0.32 ms
SELECT name FROM classes WHERE id = ?
149 1.42 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,11886%"
150 0.89 ms
SELECT object_localized_Region_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_Region_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1 LIMIT 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,11886%"
151 0.28 ms
SELECT * FROM assets_image_thumbnail_cache WHERE cid = :cid
  "cid" => 2459211
152 1.76 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,11893%"
153 1.06 ms
SELECT object_localized_Region_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_Region_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1 LIMIT 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,11893%"
154 0.28 ms
SELECT * FROM assets_image_thumbnail_cache WHERE cid = :cid
  "cid" => 896442
155 1.33 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,12089%"
156 0.78 ms
SELECT object_localized_Region_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_Region_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1 LIMIT 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,12089%"
157 0.20 ms
SELECT * FROM assets_image_thumbnail_cache WHERE cid = :cid
  "cid" => 1620883
158 1.36 ms
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,11420%"
159 0.77 ms
SELECT object_localized_Region_de.o_id as o_id, object_localized_Region_de.o_type as o_type FROM object_localized_Region_de WHERE ((IFNULL(isLive,0) = 1 and demiFilterObject__id IN (select o_id
                              from object_31
                              where filterElements LIKE :demiRegionId AND o_key != "Steiermark"))  AND  object_localized_Region_de.o_type IN ('object','folder')) AND object_localized_Region_de.o_published = 1 LIMIT 1
  "demiRegionId" => "%,11420%"
160 0.26 ms
SELECT * FROM assets_image_thumbnail_cache WHERE cid = :cid
  "cid" => 4978869

demi_vacancies connection

No database queries were performed.

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection
demi_vacancies doctrine.dbal.demi_vacancies_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
portal_engine doctrine.orm.portal_engine_entity_manager
pimcore_direct_edit doctrine.orm.pimcore_direct_edit_entity_manager
statistics_explorer doctrine.orm.statistics_explorer_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

portal_engine entity manager

No loaded entities.

pimcore_direct_edit entity manager

No loaded entities.

statistics_explorer entity manager

No loaded entities.